[ Class of 94 | Class of 95 | Class of 96 | Class of 97 | Class of 98 | Class of 99 | Class of 00 | Class of 01 ]

The Class of 1998

Aisha Baruni 98 aisha_b@hotmail.com
Jeremy Chaison 98 gasman@flash.net
Andrew Clark 98 reines@azstarnet.com
Ellen Davis 98 ellen480@aol.com
Rachel Drossman 98 follett@azstarnet.com
Jennifer Eldridge 98 dmitri511@aol.com
Alyssa Gowens 98 mochafox@aol.com
Mike Hagedon 98 theflame@geocities.com (UHS/RHS Fire & Light Bible Club)
Leah Heifferon 98 laredshoes@aol.com
Kristina Hoekstra 98 kemaitch@aol.com
Tom Iaci 98 elryn@hotmail.com
Chris Lambert 98 dennis@azstarnet.com
Bryan Langer 98 schnsh@aol.com
Jacinda Lanum 98 jlanum@hotmail.com
Jonlyn Mcgettigan 98 srbw64c@prodigy.com
Bjorn Meyer 98 blmeyer@gci-net.com
Talal Mir 98 margam@azstarnet.com
Caron Mitchell 98 woodwind2@aol.com
Melanie Parker 98 mjparker@hotmail.com
Andy Peduchi 98 landy311@aol.com
Alyssa Pivirotto 98 otto1789@aol.com
Sarah Richelson 98 shorty9729@aol.com
Christine Rosko 98 Roskette@aol.com
Matt Shadonix 98 shad31@hotmail.com
Jacob Steinfeld 98 nippy4life@aol.com
Katherine Talley 98 ksamprasa@aol.com
Miriam Tamayo 98 jtamayo@primenet.com
 Kate Wolitzsky 98 k8tiny@aol.com
Gabe Zimmerman 98 gabeben@azstarnet.com

Please submit any additions, changes or updates to wzhu@leland.stanford.edu Keep in touch! :).