[ Class of 94 | Class of 95 | Class of 96 | Class of 97 | Class of 98 | Class of 99 | Class of 00 | Class of 01 ]

The Class Of 2000

Vanessa Barchfield 00 Brooke8679@aol.com
Liz Butler 00 judecca16@aol.com
Mike Cassabaum 00 mcassabaum@aol.com
Juan Castaneda 00 castane@azstarnet.com
Maura Cenedella 00 plupitre@aol.com
Lauren Cleff 00 lsclc@aol.com
J.P Coughlin 00 fins@theriver.com
Scott Crawford 00 yogascott@aol.com
Emily Dawson 00 lscemme@aol.com
Courtenay Holland 00 mckenna13@aol.com
Tyler Jantzen 00 tljant@aol.com
Danny Pivirotto 00 pivqb5482@aol.com
Amy Richard 00 goddette2@aol.com
Nathan Rothkopf 00 catfan@theriver.com
Bryan Sanders 00 bryan@uhs.tusd.k12.az.us
Jenni Spezeski 00 jenni31415@aol.com
Diana Wamsley 00 adidas15@hotmail.com
Laura Wilson 00 lwveggie@aol.com
Julia Yankowski 00 cougar3@azstarnet.com

Please submit any additions, changes or updates to wzhu@leland.stanford.edu Keep in touch! :).