Javier Nicolás Sánchez

Javier Nicolás Sánchez
jsanchez at cs.stanford.edu

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My personal page
About me
I'm from Argentina, born and raised in La Rioja (yup, not Buenos Aires believe it or not!!). I was in Stanford for a period of two wonderful years, where I obtained a Master of Science in Computer Science with Distinction in Research degree. My area of specialization is Artificial Intelligence, in particular Machine Learning and Robotics, neat stuff ;-)

As a true native of La Rioja I enjoy warm sunny days, which I have to say are not that common in the Bay Area unless it is the middle of the summer ;-). I split my time among three main activities: work, my own research, and sports. I like to stay active and practice regularly basketball, soccer, running, and biking. Less regularly you can find me playing volleyball, or swimming if it is summer time since most of the year is too cold for me. I have always enjoyed competition and not long ago I placed third in my state's mountain duathlon championship in my first year competing in that discipline, yeah!! I have also competed in other sports like swimming where my best was a third place in the country regionals.

I love traveling and taking pictures :-). I have been into a few hikes and I am always open for a new one, so let me know if you are planning one. Since my university account does not provide enough space for my pictures I only keep the ones from my beloved family :-), the ramining ones are kept in web albums, in a section below I have links to them.

If you are feeling adventurous and want to check some more content you can try my quotes page where from time to time I put one that feels interesting.

My mother, father, siblings and me (September/December of 2000).
Stanford pics Oct-Nov 2000 (from my first quarter (fall) at Stanford).
The southamerican CS gang :-) (From left to right Daniel, me, and Marcelo).
Picasa photo album (July 2005-present)
Yahoo! photo album (older pictures)
Last update on March 26th, 2007