joeybeheler (aka jbeheler dammit!)

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About Me

This is an ancient page. I've brought it back to attempt to get my jbeheler pages to outrank my brother's jbeheler pages on various search engines. I can't belive I let him get the jbeheler twitter account after he already stole the jbeheler gmail account.

Since graduating from the California Institute of Technology in June 1995, I've been working as a Software Engineer in the Graphics & Imaging group at Sun Microsystems. Currently I'm an HCP student here at Stanford pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science.


After getting massacred in CS244a and CS248 last term, I'm trying to take it easy this term. It's mostly working so far... (too see all the teapots I rendered in CS248 click here)


I like cycling, mountain biking, rollerblading, trying to figure the Stock Market (yeah I know it's completely random and that I have no prayer over ever figuring it out, but that doesn't concern me right now...), trying to get computers to figure out the stock market for me (yeah, I realize that's just as hopeless...), obnoxious humor (check out the Onion), most kinds of music, going to LA, movies, skiing, and sleeping which I still don't do enough of.

Contact Info

Random Quote(s)

We are all at a wonderful ball where the champagne sparkled in every glass, and the soft laughter falls upon the summer air. We know by the rules that at some moment the Black Horsemen will come shattering through the great terrace doors, wreaking vengeance and scattering the survivors. Those who leave early are saved, but the ball is so splendid no one wants to leave while there is still time, so everyone keeps asking, "What time is it?" But none of the clocks have any hands.
-from The Money Game by Adam Smith

If you're not cheating, you're not trying.
-Jim Rome

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Last Modified: Apr 24, 1997
Please send any comments or suggestions...
Joey Beheler