Thursday Nilsson, Principles of Artificial
Intelligence, Chapters 7-8, and Lifschitz, On the semantics of
Week 16 (2/25 and 2/27)
Tuesday Barr and Feigenbaum, The Handbook of Artificial
Intelligence, V. 1 Chapter 2 (Sections D1, D2, and D6) and V.3
Chapter 15 (except STRIPS and ABSTRIPS), and McAllester, Systematic
Nonlinear Planning.
Thursday Chapman, Planning for conjunctive goals, and
McDermott, Robot planning.
Week 17 (3/4 and 3/6)
Tuesday Brooks, A robust layered control system for a mobile robot,
and Boddy and Dean, Solving time-dependent planning problems.
Thursday Drummond, Situated control rules, and Agre and Chapman, Pengi: An implementation of a theory of activity.
Thursday Brady, Robot motion: planning and control (Chapter 1), and Khatib, Quinlan, and Williams, Robot planning and control.
Week 19 (3/18 and 3/20): Learning
Tuesday Russell and Norvig, 1st learning chapter (?), Dietterich, Machine learning, and Shapiro and Eckroth, The Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 785-805 on "Learning, Machine").
Thursday Mitchell, Generalization as search, and Russell and Norvig, Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 19.
Week 20 (4/1 and 4/3): Learning cont'd
Tuesday Russell and Norvig, Chapter 20, and Quinlan, Induction of Decision Trees.
Thursday Russell and Norvig, Chapter 21, and Fahlman and Hinton, Connectionist architectures for artificial intelligence.
Week 21 (4/7, 4/9, and 4/11): Natural Language
Monday Rich and Knight, Artificial Intelligence Chapters 14 and 15, and Ginsberg, Essentials of AI Chapter 17.
Wednesday Mock Quals, Knowledge representation and reasoning. Avi, Lise, and Patrick.
Friday Barr and Feigenbaum, The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1, Chapter 4 (sections A, C, D, F4-F6), Chapter 5, and Volume 4, Chapter 19.
Week 22 (4/14, 4/16, and 4/18): Vision
Monday Nalwa, A Guided Tour of Computer Vision, pp. 31-39, 129-142, 161-177, 182-184.
Wednesday Mock Qual: Eyal, Pedrito, and Urszula.
Monday Nalwa, A Guided Tour of Computer Vision, pp. 217-240, 243-279.
Week 23 (4/21, 4/23, and 4/25): Perspectives & Planning/Search
Monday McCarthy, Programs with common sense, and McCarthy, Some epistemological problems in AI.
Wednesday Mock Qual (Planning/Search): ???
Friday Mock Qual (Planning/Search): Patrick,
Week 24 (4/28, 4/30, and 5/2): Perspectives & Learning
Monday Brooks, Intelligence without representation,
and Lenat and Feigenbaum, On the thresholds of knowledge.