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Agre and Chapman1987
Philip E. Agre and David Chapman. Pengi: An implementation of a theory of activity. In: Proceedings AAAI-87, pages 268-272. AAAI, 1987.

Bachant and McDermott1984
J. Bachant and J. McDermott. R1 revisited: four years in the trenches. AI Magazine, 5(3):21-32, 1984.

Baker and Shoham1992
Andrew B. Baker and Yoav Shoham. Nonmonotonic temporal reasoning. In: D. Gabbai, editor, Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, Vol.1. 1992.

Barr and Feigenbaum1981
Avron Barr and Edward Feigenbaum. The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, volume 1. William Kaufmann, Inc., 1981.

Barr et al. 1989
Avron Barr, Paul R. Cohen, and Edward Feigenbaum. The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, volume 4. William Kaufmann, Inc., 1989.

D. G. Bobrow. Artificial intelligence in perspective. Artificial Intelligence, 59:5-20, 1993.

Boddy and Dean1989
Mark Boddy and Thomas Dean. Solving time-dependent planning problems. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2:979-984, 1989.

Brachman et al. 1985
Ronald Brachman, Richard Fikes, and Hector Levesque. Krypton: A functional approach to knowledge representation. In: Ronald Brachman and Hector Levesque, editors, Readings in Knowledge Representation, pages 411-429. Morgan Kaufmann, 1985.

Michael Brady, editor. Robot motion: planning and control. MIT press, 1982.

Rod Brooks. A robust layered control system for a mobile robot. IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, March 1986.

Rod Brooks. Intelligence without representation. Artificial Intelligence, 47:139-159, 1991.

Buchanan and Feigenbaum1981
Bruce Buchanan and Edward Feigenbaum. Dendral and Meta-Dendral: their applications dimension. In: Bonnie Webber and Nils Nilsson, editors, Readings in Artificial Intelligence, pages 313-322. Morgan Kaufmann, 1981.

Buchanan and Smith1988
Bruce Buchanan and Reid Smith. Fundamentals of expert systems. Annual Review of Computer Science, 1988.

David Chapman. Planning for conjunctive goals. Artificial Intelligence, 32(3):333-377, 1987.

E. Charniak. Bayesian networks without tears. AI Magazine, 12(4):50-63, 1991.

Cohen and Feigenbaum1982
Paul R. Cohen and Edward Feigenbaum. The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, volume 3. William Kaufmann, Inc., 1982.

D. A. McAllester1991
D. Rosenblitt D. A. McAllester. Systematic nonlinear planning. In: Proceedings AAAI91, pages 634-639. AAAI Press/MIT Press, 1991.

Davis and Hamscher1988
Randy Davis and Walter Hamscher. Model-based reasoning: Troubleshooting. In: Howard Shrobe, editor, Exploring Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.

de Kleer1986
Johan de Kleer. An assumption-based truth maintenance system. Artificial Intelligence, 28:127-162, 1986.

T. G. Dietterich. Learning at the knowledge level. In: Shavlik and Dietterich RML, pages 11-25.

T. G. Dietterich. Machine learning. Annual Review of Computer Science, 4:255-306, 1990.

Hubert L. Dreyfus. From micro-worlds to knowledge representation: Ai at an impass. In: Haugeland mind-design, pages 161-204. From the introduction to his book: What Computer Can't Do 1979.

Mark Drummond. Situated control rules. In: Ronald J. Brachman, Hector J. Levesque, and Raymond Reiter, editors, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Morgan-Kaufmann, Los Altos, California, 1989.

Fahlman and Hinton1987
Scott Fahlman and Geoffrey Hinton. Connectionist architectures for artificial intelligence. IEEE Computer, pages 100-109, January 1987.

Feigenbaum and Buchanan1993
Edward Feigenbaum and Bruce Buchanan. Dendral and meta-dendral: roots of knowledge systems and expert system applications. Artificial Intelligence, 59:233-240, 1993.

Ken Forbus. Qualitative physics: Past, present and future. In: Howard Shrobe, editor, Exploring Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.

Ken Forbus. Qualitative reasoning. In: DRAFT, editor, CRC Handbook of Computer Science. DRAFT, 1996.

Genesereth and Nilsson1987
Michael Genesereth and Nils Nilsson. Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 1987.

Matthew L. Ginsberg. Essentials of AI. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993.

David E. Goldberg. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley, 1989.

Guha and Lenat1990
R.V. Guha and D.B. Lenat. Cyc: a midterm report. AI Magazine, 11(3):32-59, 1990. Also in Readings in Knowledge Acquisition and Learning 839-866.

Joseph Y. Halpern. Reasoning about knowledge. In: D. Gabbai, editor, Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, Vol.4. 1995.

John Haugeland, editor. Mind Design. MIT Press, 1981.

Patrick Hayes. The second naive physics manifesto. In: Ronald Brachman and Hector Levesque, editors, Readings in Knowledge Representation, pages 467-486. Morgan Kaufmann, 1985.

Mark Kantrowitz. Frequently asked questions in AI, 1993. To retrieve the files, do "ftp -i", give the username "anonymous" and your e-mail as password. "cd usenet/news.answers/ai-faq", then type "mget *".

O. Khatib. Inertial properties in robotic manipulation. Technical Report STAN-CS-92-1457, Stanford University, 1992.

John Koza. Genetic Programming : on the programming of computers by means of natural selection. MIT Press, 1992.

V. Kumar. Algorithms for constraint-satisfaction problems: a survey. AI Magazine, 13(1):32-44, 1992.

Laird et al. 1987
John Laird, Allen Newell, and Paul Rosenbloom. SOAR: An architecture for general intelligence. Artificial Intelligence, 33(1):1-64, September 1987.

Jean-Claude Latombe. Robot Motion Planning. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.

Lenat and Feigenbaum1991
D.B. Lenat and E.A. Feigenbaum. On the thresholds of knowledge. Artificial Intelligence, 47:185-250, 1991.

Levesque and Brachman1985
Levesque and Brachman. A fundamental tradeoff in knowledge representation and reasoning. In: Ronald Brachman and Hector Levesque, editors, Readings in Knowledge Representation, pages 41-70. Morgan Kaufmann, 1985. Revised from a paper that appeared with the same title in Proc. Fourth Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence.

Levesque and Brachman1987
Hector J. Levesque and Ron J. Brachman. Expressiveness and tractability in knowledge representation and reasoning. Computational Intelligence, 3:78-93, 1987.

Hector Levesque. Knowledge representation and reasoning. Annual Review of Computer Science, 1986.

Vladimir Lifschitz. On the semantics of STRIPS. In: Proceedings of the 1986 Workshop on Planning and Reasoning about Action, Timberline, Oregon, 1986.

Tomás Lozano-Pérez. Task planning. In: Brady et al., editor, Robot Motion: Planning and Control, pages 473-498. MIT Press, 1982.

David Marr. Vision. W. H. Freeman, 1982.

John McCarthy. Epistemological problems of artificial intelligence. In: Bonnie Webber and Nils Nilsson, editors, Readings in Artificial Intelligence, pages 459-465. Morgan Kaufmann, 1981.

John McCarthy. Programs with common sense. In: Ronald Brachman and Hector Levesque, editors, Readings in Knowledge Representation, pages 300-307. Morgan Kaufmann, 1985. An alternative source is Formalizing Common Sense by McCarthy & Lifschitz. It has some great discussions at the end.

Drew McDermott. Artificial intelligence meets natural stupidity. In: Haugeland mind-design, pages 143-160. Originally in SIGART Newsletter No 57, 1976.

Drew McDermott. Robot planning. AI Magazine, 13(2):55-79, 1992.

John McDermott. R1 (xcon) at age 12: lessons learned from an elementary school achiever. Artificial Intelligence, 59:241-247, 1993.

Thomas Mitchell. Generalization as search. In: Bonnie Webber and Nils Nilsson, editors, Readings in Artificial Intelligence, pages 517-542. Morgan Kaufmann, 1981.

Vishvjit S. Nalwa. A Guided Tour of Computer Vision. Addision Wesley Pub Co, 1993.

Allen Newell. The knowledge level. AI Magazine, 2(2), 1981.

Allen Newell. Reflections on the knowledge level. Artificial Intelligence, 59:31-38, 1993.

Nils Nilsson. Principles of Artificial Intelligence. Tioga Publishing Co., 1980.

Pearl and Korf1987
Judea Pearl and Richard Korf. Search techniques. Annual Review of Computer Science, 1987.

Judea Pearl. Reasoning under uncertainty. Annual Review of Computer Science, 4:37-72, 1990.

Perrault and Grosz1988
Ray Perrault and Barbara Grosz. Natural language interfaces. In: Howard Shrobe, editor, Exploring Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.

J. Ross Quinlan. Induction of decision trees. In: Shavlik and Dietterich RML.

Ray Reiter. Nonmonotonic reasoning. Annual Review of Computer Science, pages 147-187, 1987.

Rich and Knight1991
Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight. Artificial Intelligence. McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1991.

Russel and Norvig1995
Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence, a Modern Approach. Prentice-Hall, 1995.

Schorr and Rappaport1989
Herbert Schorr and Alain Rappaport. Innovative applications of artificial intelligence, volume 1. MIT Press, 1989.

Shapiro and Eckroth1992
Stuart Shapiro and David Eckroth, editors. The Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence. Wiley-Interscience, 2nd edition, 1992.

Shavlik and Dietterich1990a
Jude W. Shavlik and Thomas G. Dietterich. Introductions to chapters. In: Readings in Machine Learning RML.

Shavlik and Dietterich1990b
Jude W. Shavlik and Thomas G. Dietterich, editors. Readings in Machine Learning. Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.

Shoham and Goyal1988
Yoav Shoham and Nita Goyal. Temporal reasoning. In: Howard Shrobe, editor, Exploring Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.

Herbert Simon. Sciences of the Artificial. MIT Press, 1969.

A.M. Turing. Computing machinery and intelligence. In: Feigenbaum and Feldman, editors, Computers and Thought. McGraw-Hill, 1963. Originally appeared in 'Mind' 1950.

Winograd and Flores1986
Terry Winograd and Fernando Flores. Computers and Cognition. Ablex, 1986.

Terry Winograd. What does it mean to understand language? Cognitive Science, 4(3), 1980.

Terry Winograd. Frame representations and the declarative/procedural controversy. In: Ronald Brachman and Hector Levesque, editors, Readings in Knowledge Representation, pages 357-370. Morgan Kaufmann, 1985.

Patrick Winston. Artificial Intelligence. Addison-Wesley, 3rd edition, 1992.

Patrick Doyle
Sun Apr 27 16:02:41 PDT 1997