

Introduction Architecture Intelligent Prescription System Rural Data Capture Critical Alert Engine Solution Positioning Value Addition

What is Intelligent Prescription System (IPS) ?
Typically, a doctor spends most of his time in diagnosis of ailments of his/her patients. Among the ailments that a doctor diagnoses, some can be expected to be more common than the others, and occur with a higher frequency (such as fever, cold etc.). Moreover, the occurrence of a particular ailment may be seasonal and a large number of cases of the same ailment may be reported during a particular period. Quality time of the doctor is expended in repeated analysis of the same ailment for a large number of patients, leading to redundancy in operation.

Intelligent Prescription System (IPS) enables the doctors in quick diagnosis of patients, by leveraging existing medical databases of symptoms and medicines prescribed for common ailments (like fever, malaria, typhoid etc). Not only does this result in increased individual productivity, but also makes the diagnosis process more efficient. In addition, the doctor would also gain quick access to the patient case history details and related information from a common interface.

Example: To diagnose a case of malaria, the patient would probably specify symptoms like "shivering", "fever" etc. If we maintain a database with common Symptoms and Ailments, the above process could be automated and the doctor would be able to do faster diagnosis. Prescription of medicines and warnings about the Mode of Spread of the ailment/disease would also be of use to the patient.

IPS System Design

IPS System Design

IPS is built using Microsoft Office XP based Smart Tags. It consists of four assistants that empower the doctor with patient information at the click of a mouse.

  1. Ailment Assistant:
    If the doctor types out a common ailment in a Microsoft Word document, a Smart Tag type is associated with it by the IPS. The Smart Tag provides actions associated with the ailment which do a database lookup on a Microsoft SQL DataBase and provide the associated Symptoms, the prescribed Medicines and the Mode of Spread of the ailment. A screen shot of a typical interaction with this component is shown below:

    Ailment Assistant in Action

  2. Medicine Assistant:
    If the doctor types out a medicine in a Microsoft Word document, a Smart Tag type is associated with it by the IPS. The Smart Tag provides actions associated with the medicine, which do a database lookup on a Microsoft SQL DataBase and provide the Target Ailment, Side Effects, Target Age Group of the medicine. A screen shot of a typical interaction with this component is shown below:

    Medicine Assistant in Action

  3. Symptom Assistant:
    If the doctor types out a common symptom in a Microsoft Word document, a Smart Tag type is associated with it by the IPS. The Smart Tag provides actions associated with the symptom, which do a database lookup on a Microsoft SQL DataBase and provide the Possible Ailments that the symptom could be indicative of. A screen shot of a typical interaction with this component is shown below:

    Symptom Assistant in Action

  4. Patient Assistant:
    If the doctor types out a Patient ID (assigned by the hospital), in a Microsoft Word document, a Smart Tag type is associated with it by the IPS. The Smart Tag provides actions associated with the symptom, which do a database lookup on a Microsoft SQL DataBase and provide the Patient Case History, the Major Ailments he was/is suffering from and his Last Visit to the hospital. A screen shot of a typical interaction with this component is shown below:

    Patient Assistant in Action

Thus IPS enables a dramatic reduction in the redundancy of routine operations performed by a doctor. Hence the doctor would be spending considerably less time in these activities and can use his/her time for more value-added activities and time-critical cases.
