Great Geigerisms 1.13
Brought to you by Sue #2
Memorable Mandy Moments/Great Geigerisms
Episode 1.13
Small Sacrifices
Geiger and Nyland are dressing in the locker room, as Birch tells
them of Godfrey Nabbott's lawsuit:
JG: Godfrey Nabbott-- why is he suing me?
DN: You gave him a blood clot. Why is he suing me?
DN: I didn't do anything. He had asthma. I gave him a shot
of epinephrine.
JG: I did not give him a blood clot. I patched him up after
you gave him a heart attack.
DN: I didn't give him a heart attack.
AB: Quiet!
JG: Is that puke on your collar?
AB: Quiet. He's suing everybody, plus the hospital. He's looking
to hit a jackpot and I'm quiet capable of dealing with it.
[JG scratches AB's collar.] Please don't brush me.
JG: [Sniffs AB's collar.] It's vomit.
AB: Yeah, it's my daughter's vomit. Just want to get a picture
first. I'll keep you all apprised. [He leaves.]
JG: Did he say he wanted to take a picture of the puke? [DN
laughs, JG looks puzzled.]
In Birch's office, everybody is yelling at Birch:
AB: Quiet! ... He wants one deposition from you all, all together.
Then, I think, we can settle this on the cheap.
AS: I never heard of a group deposition.
JG: [mouth full of food] And he's been sued a lot.
AS: It's not funny.
Geiger bumps into Douglas Wambaugh and Nabbott in the hall:
DW: Hey! Ahh, Dr. Geiger, my friend. It's me, Douglas Wambaugh.
I'm back.
JG: Oh yeah, sew me.
DW: Nothing personal.
[to GN] He's the one that gave you the blood clot.
[to JG] You should have put on the funny socks for circulation.
JG: Look, Mr. Nabbott...
GN: Don't touch me. Don't even come near me.
DW: I made it to the Supreme Court. I had a moment.
JG: Could you excuse me please? [He leaves.]
DW: Of coarse. [to GN] My doctor. We just hit it off.
After Kronk diagnoses correctly the injured hockey player:
JG: What do you want a Nobel Prize? Get the bronchoscope. Let's
go. I'm late for a deposition.
At the deposition, Geiger walks in late:
DW: Whoa, my friend.
JG: I'm not your friend, sir. At least not for this proceeding.
DW: ... This is really more like a question and answer period. A
chance for me to learn what happened. That's all. This
really doesn't have to be adversarial.
JG: Maybe we could all hold hands.
DW: You're a character!
DW: [to DN] After you gave my client a heart attack, then he went
to my friend here, Dr. Geiger. [to JG] You put a little
computer in him?
JG: Yes, a defibrillator.
DW: Wait. This is a new thing. I don't know what this is.
JG: Basically, it's a computerized pacemaker which automatically
shocks the heart should it ever shut down.
DW: Very revolutionary. You like to play with your gadgets, don't
you, Dr. Geiger?
JG: I'm not sure what you mean by that?
DW: Well, I know you're building an artificial heart. I wish you
luck with it. By the way, I'm told that the patent will be
worth over seven million dollars. You must be very anxious to
perfect it. [Objection from AB] ... I'm exploring this man's
zeal to play with his toys. Didn't you try out a mechanical
heart on a dead woman?
JG: That has nothing to do with this case.
DW: It goes to show you're quick to stick contraptions into
people. Maybe you did so with Godfrey.
JG: Hey!
AB: Jeffrey!
JG: No. I want to answer that. I implanted a defibrillator in
that man's chest to save his life ... [leaning over the table]
to save his life! Don't be trying to characterize us as experimental
hacks from General Electric testing out the new microwaves.
DW: I happen to like GE. They bring good things to light.
Geiger walks into Birch's office. Birch is holding Alicia in his arms
(One of my favorite scenes):
JG: Counselor. I'm told we've settled.
AB: $42,000. A little more than nuisance change, but it's a good
result. No admission of liability.
JG: Good. Couple of things.
AB: Shoot.
JG: The bit about you being neither brave nor talented enough to
measure up to the doctors here-- I never met anyone with more
courage. [Walks over and sits on the edge of the table near
AB.] As for your talent-- you keep us afloat every day--
every - single - day.
AB: Thank you. [Tears come to his eyes.]
JG: Number 2. With all that you do here-- and my God, these last
few days have been typical, nothing more. Can you do this?
[Gestures to Alicia.] She has a hole in her heart. You're a
single parent... a *working* parent. Can you really do this?
AB: It's the easiest thing I've ever done. This little... I was
never alive. Before her, no. I was never alive.
JG: OK. [Gets up to leave and puts his hand on AB's shoulder.]
Thank you.
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