Chatting with Other Fans

For those of you who have internet access, then you're welcome to join the weekly IRC chat:

Thanks to everyone who came to Monday's chat! We decided on a regular chat time of Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Pacific (9 P.M. Eastern). Everyone is welcome to come!

The chat is held on the Undernet servers (pick the one closest to you, and all should be fine), and the channel is: #chicagohope.

Hope to see everyone there!

For those international fans who can't make those 2 a.m., 3 a.m. chats your time, please let me know if you're interested in a weekend chat of some kind, or in any chat at all: Send Steen Mail

About IRC and Undernet

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channels are a great way for people to chat. Clients are available on practically every platform (Macintosh, Windows, DOS, Unix etc.) from

Macintosh and Unix users can also try:

Some tips: On a Macintosh, I'd recommend trying the Homer client first, it's quite a bit easier to use, and most of the important IRC commands are readily available. Also, be sure to have the necessary decompression software (e.g. Stuffit Expander (for Mac), gzip (Windows), uncompress etc.).

Additionally, Undernet provides a host of IRC servers that are all linked together. So, you can connect to the server nearest you, and join a channel, and be connected to everyone else. The nice thing about channels is that they can be created for only one topic, and no special rooms need to be created, and you can be reasonably sure that most everyone on there is talking about YOUR topic.

To get your computer hooked to IRC, read the IRC FAQ at:

You can e-mail me if you need more specific instructions on connecting to IRC than what is provided in the FAQ. It requires at least a SLIP or PPP connection (so if you can use a web browser like Mosaic or Netscape, then you are in good shape).

Here are some names of the undernet servers:

From the Undernet FAQ:

      Luckily for you, all Undernet servers follow names of the format:


      Thus, you can easily locate the closest server to you. In most
      cases, this also turns out to be closest netwise as well. The
      command /links lists all servers. Choose one which is closest
      to you, and simply type  /server servername. Also, the following
      aliases are set up, country/continent wise:  - USA  - Europe  - Australia  - Canada
      You can try a /server and see if that works
      for you.

United States Servers

Taken from Another listing of undernet servers
Yet another listing of undernet servers!
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Last updated on August 31, 1995