{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #ifdef __HASTE__ import Data.IORef import Data.List import Control.Monad import Haste import Haste.DOM import Haste.Events import Haste.Graphics.Canvas #endif
15 Shades of Grey
Arrange the grey squares so they appear from brightest to darkest going left to right, top to bottom.
We write code that works with the vanilla GHC compiler, the Haste compiler, and the Asterius compiler.
Haste provides a library for common front-end tasks such as interacting with the HTML DOM, drawing on a canvas, and handling events:
Asterius is more Spartan:
#ifdef ASTERIUS import Data.IORef import Data.List import Control.Monad import Asterius.Types #endif
The pure part of our code shuffles the board until we find a solvable 15-puzzle position.
We ought to use uniformR
instead of randomR
but we’re supporting older
For picking a random permutation uniformly, we could import
System.Random.Shuffle, but
instead we implement our own to illustrate a point. The typical imperative
solution repeatedly swaps memory contents chosen from certain ranges and runs
in linear time. Although pure code is forbidden from such swaps, we can replace
an array of memory cells with a Data.Map
that maps memory indexes to data
contents. This sort of thing is based on trees, thus the running time
increases by a logarithmic factor.
Thus in general, we can construct a persistent version of a data structure by paying at most a logarithmic factor.
Hopefully it is clear our shuffling routine has \(O(N \log N)\) complexity.
This matches System.Random.Shuffle
, but likely has a far higher constant
factor because a Data.Map
is intended for more than just shuffling.
On a related note, a C programmer would represent a 2D board with an array. A straightforward translation to Haskell is inefficient, because any array update creates a fresh copy of the entire array. Better to use a map; to update a map of \(N\) entries only costs \(O(\log N)\) more space.
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Map.Strict (Map, (!)) import System.Random type Board = Map (Int, Int) Int shuf m g = M.fromList $ zip (M.keys m) $ shufElems m g shufElems m g = case M.size m of 0 -> [] n -> let (i, g') = randomR (0, n - 1) g (_, v) = M.elemAt i m in v : shufElems (M.deleteAt i m) g' side = 4 hole = side^2 goal = M.fromList $ zip ((,) <$> [0..side-1] <*> [0..side-1]) [1..] parity [] = 0 parity (x:xs) = length (filter (x>) xs) + parity xs + if x == hole then uncurry (+) $ divMod (length xs) side else 0 gen :: IO Board gen = do z <- shuf goal <$> newStdGen if even $ parity $ M.elems z then pure z else gen
Most of the code is taken by the front end, especially since we’re animating tiles. For Asterius, we define wrappers for JavaScript functions, including some we wrote that can be studied by viewing the source of this page.
#ifdef ASTERIUS foreign import javascript "fillrect($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)" fillrect :: JSVal -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> JSString -> IO () foreign import javascript "setKeydown($1)" js_onKeyDown :: JSFunction -> IO () foreign import javascript "document.getElementById($1).onmousedown=$2" js_onMouseDown :: JSString -> JSFunction -> IO () foreign import javascript "document.getElementById($1).innerText=$2" js_setInner :: JSString -> JSString -> IO () foreign import javascript "$1.keyCode" keyCode :: JSVal -> Int foreign import javascript "$1.offsetX" offsetX :: JSVal -> Int foreign import javascript "$1.offsetY" offsetY :: JSVal -> Int foreign import javascript "wrapper" mkCallback :: IO () -> IO JSFunction foreign import javascript "wrapper" mkCallback1 :: (JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO JSFunction foreign import javascript "wrapper oneshot" mkOnceCallback :: IO () -> IO JSFunction foreign import javascript "setTimeout($1,$2)" js_setTimeout :: JSFunction -> Int -> IO () foreign import javascript "document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d')" mustCanvas :: IO JSVal rgb r g b = toJSString $ concat ["rgb(", show r, ",", show g, ",", show b, ")"] delayCall n f = flip js_setTimeout n =<< mkOnceCallback f onKeyDown f = js_onKeyDown =<< mkCallback1 f onMouseDown s f = js_onMouseDown (toJSString s) =<< mkCallback1 f setInner elemId s = js_setInner (toJSString elemId) (toJSString s) #endif
The Haste equivalents use the library functions bundled with the compiler:
#ifdef __HASTE__ delayCall n f = void $ setTimer (Once n) f rgb = RGB onKeyDown f = void $ onEvent documentBody KeyDown f onMouseDown s f = do Just e <- elemById s void $ onEvent e MouseDown f setInner elemId s = do Just e <- elemById elemId setProp e "innerText" s offsetX = fst . mouseCoords offsetY = snd . mouseCoords fillrect canvas x y w h c = let f = fromIntegral in renderOnTop canvas $ color c $ fill $ rect (f x, f y) (f $ x + w, f $ y + h) mustCanvas = maybe undefined id <$> getCanvasById "canvas" #endif
The rest of the code is the same for Haste and Asterius except for a
call. The Haste edition prevents the default effect of key
down events if they are valid moves, so the browser behaves mostly as usual
during play and entirely as usual after winning.
With Asterius, calling preventDefault()
from our code is difficult because
JavaScript and WebAssembly call one another, and events are handled in between;
by the time we call preventDefault()
it is too late. We work around this with
a JavaScript helper eats key events in a certain focusable div
element before
ceding control to wasm.
The user might have to click in a particular area to use the keys, and must
click outside in order to use typcial shortcuts such as Ctrl-R. To mimic our
Haste code, we could perhaps preventDefault
for all key events on the
document body then somehow generate events that we want to pass on.
We mostly redraw only the two tiles affected by the animation. However, if a move is interrupted by another move before its animation is complete, we redraw the whole board before starting the new animation.
#if defined(ASTERIUS) || defined (__HASTE__) data Anim = Anim Int (Int, Int) (Int, Int) data Game = Game (Maybe Anim) Board (Int, Int) getColour n = rgb x x x where x | n == hole = 0 | otherwise = 255 - (225 * (n - 1) `div` (side^2 - 1)) frameCount = 8 sz = 64 main = do canvas <- mustCanvas won <- newIORef undefined game <- newIORef undefined let win = do writeIORef won True setInner "msg" "A WINNER IS YOU" draw b = forM_ (M.assocs b) $ \((r, c), n) -> fillrect canvas (c*sz) (r*sz) sz sz $ getColour n loop = do Game a b cur <- readIORef game case a of Nothing -> when (b == goal) win Just (Anim frame tgt@(r1,c1) src@(r0,c0)) -> do let sc b a = a*sz + (b - a)*sz*frame`div`frameCount writeIORef game $ Game (if frame == frameCount then Nothing else Just $ Anim (frame + 1) tgt src) b cur fillrect canvas (c0*sz) (r0*sz) sz sz $ getColour hole fillrect canvas (c1*sz) (r1*sz) sz sz $ getColour hole fillrect canvas (sc c0 c1) (sc r0 r1) sz sz $ getColour $ b!src delayCall 16 loop newGame = do b <- gen let Just cur = fst <$> find ((== hole) . snd) (M.assocs b) writeIORef game $ Game Nothing b cur writeIORef won False setInner "msg" "" draw b move tgt (Game anim b cur) = do writeIORef game $ Game (Just $ Anim 0 tgt cur) (M.insert tgt hole $ M.insert cur (b!tgt) b) tgt case anim of Nothing -> loop Just _ -> draw b unlessWon f = readIORef won >>= flip unless f newGame onMouseDown "reshuffle" $ \_ -> newGame onMouseDown "canvas" $ \e -> unlessWon $ do let tgt@(r, c) = (div (offsetY e) sz, div (offsetX e) sz) g@(Game _ b (r0, c0)) <- readIORef game when (M.member (r, c) b && (c - c0)^2 + (r - r0)^2 == 1) $ move tgt g onKeyDown $ \k -> unlessWon $ do g@(Game _ b (r, c)) <- readIORef game let go tgt = when (M.member tgt b) $ do #ifdef __HASTE__ preventDefault #endif move tgt g case keyCode k of 38 -> go (r + 1, c) 40 -> go (r - 1, c) 37 -> go (r, c + 1) 39 -> go (r, c - 1) _ -> pure () #endif
In this page, we use the output of the Haste compiler, which is significantly smaller than the output of Asterius.
hastec --opt-all 15.lhs
162153 15.js
ahc-link --bundle --browser --ghc-option -O --input-hs 15.lhs
96075 15.js 811685 15.wasm