bits = head_bytes * 8 + 8 * body_bytes;
Fighting for Equality
Rewrite rules:
LPO precedence:
Be reasonable
Suppose A = B. Then it seems reasonable to replace any instance of A with B, and vice versa.
Programmers of all stripes perform equational reasoning. For example, a seasoned C programmer might apply distributivity and symmetry laws to rewrite:
bits = 8 * (head_bytes + body_bytes);
Referentially transparent languages unleash the full power of equational reasoning, which is to say they let programmers do what mathematicians have been doing for centuries. For example, using several identities, we can rewrite:
map (foo . (4*)) (iterate (1+) 0)
map foo (iterate (4+) 0)
In C, we could conceivably replace:
for (unsigned i = 0;; i++) { foo(4*i); }
for (unsigned i = 0;; i+=4) { foo(i); }
but the reasoning is marred by details such as the variable i
. As code grows
more complex, such details multiply.
In contrast, arbitrarily complex referentially transparent expressions remain easy to manipulate with equational reasoning. This is important for humans, but perhaps more important for computers. For example, GHC effortlessly optimizes code with identities such as the following fusion law:
map f . map g = map (f . g)
Leibniz remarked: "It is unworthy of excellent men to lose hours like slaves in the labour of calculation which could safely be relegated to anyone else if machines were used." A few centuries later, Whitehead wrote: "Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them."
Offloading equational reasoning to computers may be for the common good of all.
Equality now!
How good are computers at equational reasoning?
In 1996, McCune ran the EQP program to prove that Robbins algebras are Boolean, solving an open problem that had defied generations of gifted mathematicians. What’s more, it only took 8 days and 30 megabytes on an RS/6000. As modern computers are more powerful, today it may be possible to write a short program that uses equational reasoning to find the proof that eluded humanity for decades.
We follow along chapter 4 of John Harrison, 'Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning'. Much of the below is a reworking of his OCaml code in Haskell.
We want to parse equations such as the rules of Peano arithmetic when given in the following form:
0 + x = x S x + y = S (x + y) 0 * x = 0 S x * y = y + (x * y)
We store them in same tree that we used for CL terms. We
employ some fancier Haskell extensions to automate some of the programming.
For instance, to determine if a variable is free, we employ Data.Foldable
simply call elem
on the CL term.
data ExpF a = C String | V a | ExpF a :@ ExpF a deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable)
type Exp = ExpF String
data Rule = Rule Exp Exp deriving Eq
instance Show (ExpF String) where
show = \case
V v -> v
C s :@ x :@ y | s `elem` ["+", "*"] ->
showR x <> " " <> s <> " " <> showR y
C s
| s `elem` ["+", "*"] -> "(" <> s <> ")"
| otherwise -> s
x :@ y -> show x <> " " <> showR y
showR x | _ :@ _ <- x = "(" <> show x <> ")"
| otherwise = show x
instance Show Rule where show (Rule l r) = show l <> " = " <> show r
expr :: Charser Exp
expr = foldl (&) <$> apps <*> many ((\f b a -> C f :@ a :@ b) <$> op <*> apps) where
op = pure <$> sp (oneOf "+*")
apps = foldl1 (:@) <$> some (con <|> var <|> between (spch '(') (spch ')') expr)
sp = (<* space)
spch = sp . char
con = C <$> sp (some digitChar <|> (:) <$> upperChar <*> many alphaNumChar)
var = V <$> sp ((:) <$> lowerChar <*> many alphaNumChar)
rule :: Charser Rule
rule = Rule <$> expr <*> (char '=' *> space *> expr)
mustParse :: Charser a -> String -> a
mustParse p = either undefined id . parse p ""
peano = mustParse rule <$>
["0 + x = x", "S x + y = S (x + y)", "0 * x = 0", "S x * y = y + (x * y)"]
The mgu
and match
functions from type checking turn out to
be exactly the tools we need, except now we run them on terms instead of types:
apply :: [(String, Exp)] -> Exp -> Exp
apply sub t = case t of
a :@ b -> apply sub a :@ apply sub b
V v -> maybe t id $ lookup v sub
_ -> t
(@@) s1 s2 = map (second (apply s1)) s2 <> s1
varBind s t = case t of
C v -> Just [(s, t)]
V v -> Just $ if v == s then [] else [(s, t)]
a :@ b -> if elem s t then Nothing else Just [(s, t)]
mgu :: Exp -> Exp -> Maybe [(String, Exp)]
mgu t u = case t of
C a -> case u of
C b -> if a == b then Just [] else Nothing
V v -> varBind v t
_ -> Nothing
V a -> varBind a u
a :@ b -> case u of
C _ -> Nothing
V v -> varBind v t
c :@ d -> mgu a c >>= \s -> (@@ s) <$> mgu (apply s b) (apply s d)
merge s1 s2 = if all (\v -> apply s1 (V v) == apply s2 (V v))
$ map fst s1 `intersect` map fst s2 then Just $ s1 <> s2 else Nothing
match :: Exp -> Exp -> Maybe [(String, Exp)]
match h t = case h of
C a | C b <- t, a == b -> Just []
V a -> Just [(a, t)]
a :@ b | c :@ d <- t -> do
ac <- match a c
bd <- match b d
merge ac bd
_ -> Nothing
This is because we have already been using equality.
We used mgu
to see if two types can be made equal with the appropriate
substitutions, and we used match
to find matching class instances.
Now we want more: having determined two things are equal, we want to replace
one with the other to see what happens.
Given a term, there could be multiple rules that apply. And multiple places to apply them. For example, the term "(0 + 0) + (0 * (0 + 0))" has two subterms that fit the first rule and one subterm that fits the third.
We pick the following rewriting strategy. Earlier rules take precedence over later rules. Subterms on the left take precedence over subterms on the right. Parents take precedence over their children.
We use match
to find a left-hand side of a rule that fits, and replace
it with the right-hand side, suitably substituted.
findRewrite :: [Rule] -> Exp -> Maybe Exp
findRewrite eqs t = asum $ (\(Rule l r) -> (`apply` r) <$> match l t) <$> eqs
rewrite :: [Rule] -> Exp -> Maybe Exp
rewrite eqs t = asum $ findRewrite eqs t : case t of
x :@ y -> [(:@ y) <$> rewrite eqs x, (x :@) <$> rewrite eqs y]
_ -> []
We want to keep rewriting until no more rules apply.
fixRewrite :: [Rule] -> Exp -> Exp
fixRewrite eqs t = maybe t (fixRewrite eqs) $ rewrite eqs t
We have coupled some recycled code with a simple rewrite function. Will it work?
fixRewrite peano $ mustParse expr "S(S(S(S(0)))) * S(S(0)) + S(S(S(0)))"
This is "(4*2)+3", and we miraculously arrive at "11":
S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S 0))))))))))
Group equality
Take the axioms of group theory:
groupAxioms = mustParse rule <$>
[ "(x * y) * z = x * (y * z)"
, "1 * x = x"
, "I x * x = 1"
and run fixRewrite
on "(I x * x) * y":
fixRewrite groupAxioms $ mustParse expr "(I x * x) * y"
We’d like to see "y", via the application of the third and then second axioms, but instead we get:
I x * (x * y)
The associative law was applied first, preventing further rewrites.
We fix this by simply adding a rewrite rule:
I x * (x * y) = y
Clearly we can iterate this. We can try other terms, and if we encounter a rewrite we dislike, then we add another rule to fix it.
This raises thorny questions:
How do we find rewrites we dislike?
What does it mean to dislike a term anyway?
Even if we could define bad rewrites and find them easily, is there a bound on the number of rules we need to add? Might our algorithm never terminate?
How do we know if
terminates in the first place? There might always be at least one rule that applies.
These questions are easily answered in general by the following rules:
skRules = mustParse rule <$>
[ "S x y z = x z (y z)"
, "K x y = x"
That is, combinatory logic is a rewriting system. (The rewriting strategy we chose above corresponds to normal-order evaluation.) All those horrible undecidability results from computer science carry over to rewriting systems in general.
Some are more equal than others
Fortunately, for particular cases we care about, the answers are more comforting.
The first step is to introduce a well-founded partial order among terms. In other words, in our pursuit of equational reasoning, we begin by proclaiming some terms to be greater than others, even though they are equal according to the rules!
Then we demand that the left-hand side of each rule is strictly greater than the right-hand side. This ensures each rewrite shrinks the term according to our well-founded partial order, so we eventually reach a term for which no rewrite rules apply.
We introduce the lexicographic path order (LPO) on our terms.
See references for the motivation, and why it works.
Our funargs
helper uncurries the function and arguments needed by lpoGT
Harrison has no need for this because of a different data structure.
Which function should be greater than another? It depends on the rewriting system; some orderings work better than others.
type Weigh = (String, Int) -> (String, Int) -> Bool
lpoGT :: Weigh -> Exp -> Exp -> Bool
lpoGT weigh s t
| V v <- t = s /= t && v `elem` s
| Just (f, fargs) <- funargs s [],
Just (g, gargs) <- funargs t [] =
any (\a -> a == t || rec a t) fargs ||
all (rec s) gargs &&
(f == g && lexord fargs gargs ||
weigh (f, length fargs) (g, length gargs))
| otherwise = False
rec = lpoGT weigh
lexord l1 l2 = case (l1, l2) of
(h1:t1, h2:t2) -> rec h1 h2 && length t1 == length t2 ||
h1 == h2 && lexord t1 t2
_ -> False
funargs t acc = case t of
C f -> Just (f, acc)
x :@ y -> funargs x $ y:acc
_ -> Nothing
weigh :: [String] -> Weigh
weigh precs (f, m) (g, n)
| f == g = m > n
| otherwise = case (wt f, wt g) of
(Just i, Just j) -> i > j
(Nothing, Nothing) -> f > g
(Nothing, _) -> False
(_, Nothing) -> True
where wt s = elemIndex s precs
Our group axioms all have left-hand sides greater than their right-hand sides by lexicographic path order, no matter what ordering we pick for the identity, group operation, and inverse. We confirm this in the case of ASCII ordering:
prop_groupAxiomsValid =
and $ (\(Rule l r) -> lpoGT (weigh []) l r) <$> groupAxioms
Let t
be a term, rules
be a rewriting system and let x = fixRewrite rules
. Next, apply the rewrite rules in an arbitrary order on t
to obtain y
, a
term on which no further rewrites are possible.
If we always have y
equals x
, then the rewriting system is confluent.
After enough steps, every term reaches its unique normal form, no matter
which order we apply the rewrites.
On the other hand, if we find cases where x
and y
differ, then we introduce
a rewrite rule from the larger to the smaller to fix it.
If x
and y
are incomparable, then we’re stuck, unless we later happen to
stumble upon more rewrite rules that can change at least one of them.
Knuth-Bendix completion
To find all the obstacles getting in the way of confluence, it can be shown that, loosely speaking, we need only apply the rewrite rules to themselves. More precisely, for each rewrite rule, we find matches of its left-hand side among all sub-expressions of the rewrite rules. There’s no need to guess a term and try various rewrite strategies on it.
We walk through an example. Take our first and third group axioms, and rename the variables to avoid confusion:
(x1 * y1) * z1 = x1 * (y1 * z1) I x3 * x3 = 1
The LHS of rule 3 matches a subterm in the LHS of rule 1 via the substitution
[(x1, I x3), (y1, x3)]
(I x3 * x3) * z1
Thus we can either use rule 1 or rule 3 to rewrite this term. The resulting two terms are a critical pair of these two rules.
1 * z1 = (I x3 * x3) * z1 = I x3 * (x3 * z1)
The criticalPairs
function finds all critical pairs of two given rules.
findSubs :: Rule -> Exp -> [(Exp, [(String, Exp)])]
findSubs (Rule l r) t = case t of
V _ -> []
C _ -> maybe [] ((:[]) . (,) r) (mgu l t)
x :@ y -> concat
[ maybe [] ((:[]) . (,) r) (mgu l t)
, first (:@ y) <$> findSubs (Rule l r) x
, first (x :@) <$> findSubs (Rule l r) y
overlaps :: Rule -> Rule -> [Rule]
overlaps (Rule l r) (Rule l2 r2) =
(\(t, sub) -> Rule (apply sub t) (apply sub r2)) <$> findSubs (Rule l r) l2
criticalPairs :: Rule -> Rule -> [Rule]
criticalPairs a b
| a == b = overlaps ruleA ruleB
| otherwise = overlaps ruleA ruleB `union` overlaps ruleB ruleA
both f (Rule a b) = Rule (f a) (f b)
ruleA = both (('a':) <$>) a
ruleB = both (('b':) <$>) b
Continuing our example, we have 1 * z1 = z1
by another axiom, while no rules
apply to I x3 * (x3 * z1)
. At this point, neither term can be rewritten
further, and since z1
has the smaller LPO, we add the rewrite rule:
I x3 * (x3 * z1) = z1
This new rule may create more critical pairs.
If the elements of a critical pair are incomparable, then we defer its processing until later. After finding and processing other crtical pairs, we revisit the list of deferred pairs, and hope that new rewrite rules can help.
If we’ve successfully processed all critical pairs, then we have a terminating rewriting system that finds a unique normal form for all input terms.
Otherwise, Knuth-Bendix fails because either there are obstinate critical pairs that are beyond help, or we can never add enough rules to reach confluence.
normalizeThenOrient :: (Exp -> Exp -> Bool) -> [Rule] -> Rule -> Maybe Rule
normalizeThenOrient cmp eqs (Rule rawS rawT)
| s == t || cmp s t = Just (Rule s t)
| cmp t s = Just (Rule t s)
| otherwise = Nothing
s = fixRewrite eqs rawS
t = fixRewrite eqs rawT
complete cmp eqs todo crits = case crits of
(eq:rest) -> case normalizeThenOrient cmp eqs eq of
Just new@(Rule s t)
| s == t -> rec eqs todo rest
| otherwise -> rec (new:eqs) todo $ rest <> (concatMap (criticalPairs new) $ new:eqs)
Nothing -> rec eqs (eq:todo) rest
[] | null todo -> Just eqs
| otherwise -> find (maybe False (const True) . normalizeThenOrient cmp eqs) todo
>>= (\e -> rec eqs (delete e todo) [e])
where rec = complete cmp
knuthBendix :: (Exp -> Exp -> Bool) -> [Rule] -> Maybe [Rule]
knuthBendix cmp eqs = complete cmp eqs [] $ foldr1 union $ criticalPairs <$> eqs <*> eqs
The following rewrite system only has one rule. Its left-hand side matches a subterm of itself to make a nontrivial critical pair. Knuth-Bendix turns it into a rule to add to the system, and with this second rule, the system is confluent.
selfCritical :: [Rule]
selfCritical = [mustParse rule "F (F x) = G x"]
selfSystem :: [Rule]
Just selfSystem = knuthBendix (lpoGT (weigh [])) selfCritical
As for groups, it turns out a certain ordering of the identity, group operation, and inverse is enough for our basic implementation of Knuth-Bendix completion to find a confluent system.
Just groupSystem = knuthBendix (lpoGT (weigh ["1", "*", "I"])) groupAxioms
Proving x * I x = 1
from the axioms is trickier than it looks.
Infuriatingly, the computer can now quickly confirm the truth of this
equation, with no explanation:
fixRewrite groupSystem $ mustParse expr "x * I x"
Getting the program to tell us what it’s doing is left as an exercise. Which, once completed, can do some homework exercises for us in courses on group theory!
Equal Opportunities
The first chapter of the free book "A=B" shows off the power of normalizing terms in various settings. The whole book is worth reading, as it teaches how to systematically find hypergeometric identities, which hitherto had been accomplished by a mathematical analogue of alchemy.
We didn’t make it to Robbins algebras. A big obstacle is commutativity: how can we handle "x + y = y + x" in our framework? See McCune or Harrison for references or section 7 of Dershowitz, A Taste of Rewrite Systems. (Our sorting demo comes from the latter.)
With the help of a few identities and a cost model, automating equational reasoning leads to emergent optimizations. The computer systematically applies advanced optimizations traditionally discovered and implemented by experienced programmers.
The Church-Rosser theorem assures us that lambda calculus is confluent, which is important for programmers.