Announcing list-positions - Matthew Weidner
A library for assigning ids to list/string positions, so that when add annotations to some range of positions, and then later edit the list, the annotations can point to the right thing
2 days ago
Hobby’s algorithm for aesthetic Bézier splines – Jake Low
Given points you want the Bezier spline to go through, Hobby's Algorithm chooses the control points to make the spline pleasant. These curves are G1 continuous but not C1 continuous, and use the additional degree of freedom to reduce the variation in curvature.
2 days ago
DHAT is primarily a tool for examining how programs use their heap allocations.

It tracks the allocated blocks, and inspects every memory access to find which block, if any, it is to. It presents, on a program point basis, information about these blocks such as sizes, lifetimes, numbers of reads and writes, and read and write patterns.
c++  software 
2 days ago
Three ways of handling user input
Alternatives to the usual callback-style input handling. Example shows dragging a box around, which requires the pointerdown, pointermove, pointerup events
structure  ui 
3 days ago
Do We Fund New Research or Not? - by Stuart Buck
A lot of research funding is based on you already having done the research
3 days ago
Carifree vs sensodyne with Novamin Vs Biomin C Vs Apaguard Premio : Dentistry
Reddit comment says Biomin-F, Carifree, Apadent Total Care are all better than Sensodyne with novamin
3 days ago
JSDoc as an alternative TypeScript syntax
Overview of jsdoc syntax that gets read by typescript
javascript  typescript 
5 days ago
Tomorrow Corporation : How We Make Games at Tomorrow Corp – Our Custom Tools Tech Demo
Gamedev shows off their internal tools - live reloading of code, time travel debugging, etc.
5 days ago
LogLog Games
Blog post about Rust in game development, but also has a lot of good points about game development in general, including reasons to use ECS, iteration speed, generality
5 days ago
Computing Layouts with Deformable Templates
In this paper, we tackle the problem of tiling a domain with a set of deformable templates. A valid solution to this problem completely covers the domain with templates such that the templates do not overlap. We generalize existing specialized solutions and formulate a general layout problem by modeling important constraints and admissible template deformations. Our main idea for the solution is to break the layout algorithm into two steps: a discrete step to lay out the approximate ...
algorithms  procgen 
11 days ago
Ortho-tiles – BorisTheBrave.Com
"Ortho-tiles" for auto-tiling irregular grids
11 days ago
MetaExtensions - WHATWG Wiki
List of HTML <meta> tag extensions that are for specific browsers or devices or situations
11 days ago
Regular expression visualizer using railroad diagrams
11 days ago
How to improve Python packaging, or why fourteen tools are at least twelve too many | Chris Warrick
Python has distutils, setup.py, venv, virtualenv, wheel, pip, pipx, poetry, conda, pipenv, and more
14 days ago
Why are wind turbines 3 bladed, but wind mills on small farms have 12 or more? : askscience
1 blade is the most cost effective windmill, but unstable; 2 is also unstable; 3 is the first stable point; 4 is unstable too; 5 is stable
15 days ago
A Comparison of Traffic Flow Performance of Roundabouts and Signalized Intersections: A Case Study in Nigde
A diagram showing whether traffic signals or roundabouts are better at a given set of traffic volumes
15 days ago
A Comprehensive Rebuttal to Seed Oil Sophistry
The popular consciousness has accepted many dietary villains over the course of the last half century, ranging from fat, to protein, to salt, to carbohydrates. More often than not, dietary constituents that have fallen under such scrutiny have been exonerated in time, as more and more scientific data is brought to light. I suspect that there is a growing number of people who are now wrongfully demonizing vegetable oils as well. Both skepticism and generally negative attitudes toward ...
20 days ago
The Tonnetz
Visual representation of musical notes and chords, with a hexagonal layout
hexagons  music 
23 days ago
FNET/GridEye Server Web Display
Real time view of US electrical grid frequency
24 days ago
FNET World-wide Frequency Map
Electrical grid frequency map showing how they're deviating from the ideal frequency
infrastructure  maps 
24 days ago
Searching & Exploring Your iMessage Database with SQL Queries
If you use iMessage, you can access and query the database where all of the messages are stored. All you need is a Mac and some basic SQL skills to begin!
sqlite  mac 
24 days ago
ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox: 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
web  history 
25 days ago
GitHub - memononen/nanosvg: Simple stupid SVG parser
Simple stupid SVG parser. Contribute to memononen/nanosvg development by creating an account on GitHub.
svg  c++  software 
27 days ago
Moebius-style post-processing and other stylized shaders - Maxime Heckel's Blog
A detailed essay on the process of building a post-processing stylized shader reproducing the style of legendary artist Jean Giraud a.k.a Moebius for your React Three Fiber projects. In it, I detail the process of drawing outlines with a Sobel Filter as well as custom shadow and lighting patterns to bring a unique style to your WebGL scene.
28 days ago
JavaScript engine fundamentals: optimizing prototypes · Mathias Bynens
Even though in theory each javascript object has a different set of properties, in practice large groups of them have the same set of properties, so javascript engines cache the "Shape" of objects in a separate data structure
javascript  performance 
4 weeks ago
A horrifying globalThis polyfill in universal JavaScript · Mathias Bynens
Various javascript environments support globalThis, frames, self, global, this
4 weeks ago
How to Favicon in 2024: Six files that fit most needs—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
Prefer SVG over PNG, trust browsers to downscale, drop obscure formats—the ultimate, exhaustive guide to favicons for modern web. Includes steps for static HTML and Webpack.
4 weeks ago
Javascript/DOM framework that uses *generators* to give each component its own event loop (or it seems like it). Looks clever.
4 weeks ago
How much do investors trade because of name/ticker confusion? - ScienceDirect
Investors are investing in similar sounding companies instead of the one they intended to invest in
4 weeks ago
GitHub - chearon/dropflow: A CSS layout engine
Dropflow is a CSS layout engine created to explore the reaches of the foundational CSS standards (that is: inlines, blocks, floats, positioning and eventually tables, but not flexbox or grid). It has a high quality text layout implementation and is capable of displaying many of the languages of the world. You can use it to generate PDFs or images on the backend with Node and node-canvas or render rich, wrapped text to a canvas in the browser.
4 weeks ago
Rive Renderer
2D accelerated animated vector graphics
5 weeks ago
Accounting for albedo change to identify climate-positive tree cover restoration | Nature Communications
Restoring tree cover changes albedo, which is the fraction of sunlight reflected from the Earth’s surface. In most locations, these changes in albedo offset or even negate the carbon removal benefits with the latter leading to global warming. Previous efforts to quantify the global climate mitigation benefit of restoring tree cover have not accounted robustly for albedo given a lack of spatially explicit data. Here we produce maps that show that carbon-only estimates may be up to 81%...
5 weeks ago
Equal Earth Physical Map
A wall map in the Equal Earth projection showing terrain and world natural environments. The map is free of charge.
5 weeks ago
VoiceCraft: Zero-Shot Speech Editing and Text-to-Speech in the Wild
ai  audio 
5 weeks ago
Dispose of Smoke Detectors Properly
Where to return radioactive smoke detectors
5 weeks ago
Can we have our cake and eat it? Welcome to the world of sugar elimination | Sugar | The Guardian
Our sugar problem could be solved by counteracting it after we’ve eaten it, as stomach ‘sponges’ and fibre-making enzymes head to market
health  future 
5 weeks ago
Dueling with Microwave Ovens - WiFi Planet
Microwave ovens interfere with Wifi channels 8, 9, 10, 11
6 weeks ago
Defying Cavity: Lantern Bioworks FAQ - by Scott Alexander
There are multiple types of mouth bacteria, and one of them causes cavities. I seem to be lucky in that I mostly have the others. There are probiotic pills you can get on Amazon that promote the non-harmful species. And there was work on a vaccine against the harmful one. But Lantern Bioworks is doing something different — they are genetically modifying the harmful species to (1) not cause cavities, and (2) outcompete the unmodified version. It'd be a one time treatment, unlike the probiotics t...
health  biology 
6 weeks ago
One of the only free applications that'll let you to change the sound of your keyboard into anything!
6 weeks ago
Writings of sussman@
Ben Collins-Sussman posts about Google culture
6 weeks ago
Why Are (Most) Sofas So Bad? - Dwell
Changes in the sofa manufacturing and sales models
7 weeks ago
bjorg: Int->Float->Int: It's a jungle out there!
Audio processing uses either integer amplitude or float amplitude -1 to +1. This page lists the various ways to convert back and forth (they're not all the same!! partly because integers are slightly asymmetrical)
floats  audio 
7 weeks ago
Web Browser Engineering
Web browsers are ubiquitous, but how do they work? This book explains, building a basic but complete web browser, from networking to JavaScript, in a couple thousand lines of Python.
web  python  software 
7 weeks ago
The Wax and the Wane of the Web – A List Apart
Forget death and taxes. The only certainty on the web is change. Ste Grainer takes a brief look at the history of the web and how it has been constantly reinvented. Then he explores where we are now, and how we can shape the future of the web for the better.
web  history 
7 weeks ago
The Complex But Awesome CSS border-image Property — Smashing Magazine
Lots of different ways to use CSS border-image for non-images
8 weeks ago
Lezer (the Dutch word for reader, pronounced like “laser”) provides a parser generator that outputs JavaScript modules, which can be loaded to parse code into a non-abstract syntax tree. This tree can then be used to do highlighting and basic semantic analysis.
8 weeks ago
Beyond efficiency
Computer science often emphasizes processing efficiency, leaving robustness to be addressed separately. However, robustness requires redundancy, which efficiency eliminates. For safer and more scalable computing, we must embrace and manage this tradeoff.
structure  software 
8 weeks ago
Deskilling on the Job. When it comes to AI’s potential future… | by danah boyd | Medium
When highly trained professionals now babysit machines, they lose their skills. Retaining skills requires practice. How do we ensure that those skills are not lost? If we expect humans to be able to take over from machines during crucial moments, those humans must retain strong skills. Loss of knowledge has serious consequences locally and systemically.
structure  society  ai 
8 weeks ago
Urs Hölzle on LinkedIn: Today’s hyperscale data centers rely on ultra-high-bandwidth Ethernet… | 23 comments
About Google building their own network switches in ~2007
But what we needed was a 10,000-port switch that cost $100/port. So, almost exactly 20 years ago, we sent this five-page RFP to four different switch vendors (IIRC: Cisco, Force10, HP, and Quanta) and tried to interest them in building such a switch. They politely declined because “nobody is asking for such a product except for you”, and they anticipated margins to be low.
networking  google 
8 weeks ago
Götz Bachmann’s Ethnographic Research on Dynamicland — Christoph Labacher · Interaction Designer
The “Dynamic Medium Group” led by Bret Victor which is developing “Dynamicland” is much admired and closely watched in the interaction design community. Yet the information about their work is closely-guarded and usually only available in a highly moderated form. The work of ethnographer Götz Bachmann, who spent much time with the group to observe them, offers a new perspective and deep insight into the group’s ideas and practices.
9 weeks ago
M-x Reloaded: The Second Golden Age of Emacs - (think)
Emacs has a lot of positive things in its development that are getting it out of its own little world of doing everything differently
9 weeks ago
Why Does The Sunlight Come From The North In Shaded Relief Maps?
If you've got a sharp eye and a knack for details, you might have noticed the sun coming from an unrealistic angle in most shaded relief maps: the north. In this article we explain why.
10 weeks ago
Evolution of Emacs Lisp - 3386324.pdf
A paper about Emacs history, including some stuff at the end about Lucid Emacs
emacs  history 
10 weeks ago
An Introduction to Keyline | Temperate Climate Permaculture
An introduction to the basic principles of the land and water design system known as Keyline.
10 weeks ago
Solar Insolation Map - Solarcraft Continuous Power & UPS Systems Manufacturer
Map of wintertime sunshine across the contiguous US states. Seattle is the worst!!
10 weeks ago
“Google Was Not a Normal Place”: Brin, Page, and Mayer on the Accidental Birth of the Company that Changed Everything | Vanity Fair
Early google stories - don't be evil, Scott Hassan, Larry wanting to make AI, other search engines NOT wanting good results, ski trips, etc.
google  history 
10 weeks ago
bakkoting comments on Union, intersection, difference, and more are coming to JavaScript Sets
Someone who worked on the JS standards commitee explains why set union, intersection, difference are harder than they appear. It's easy to add an implementation but hard to get all the edge cases right.
javascript  history 
10 weeks ago
Universal basic income experiment results
Lump sums worked better than smaller amounts distributed over time; making it actually universal was more helpful than picking just some people
10 weeks ago
How to (and how not to) fix color banding
Discovering color banding solutions & Smooth gradients with a clever Noise one-liner by SLEDGEHAMMER Games
10 weeks ago
Secret Origin of SVG - SVG
SVG was inspired by several existing technologies
svg  history 
10 weeks ago
Battery or fuel cell, that is the question
As the world’s largest volume manufacturer, Volkswagen has been an early adopter when it comes to e-mobility. This gives the Group all the opportunities and prerequisites to be among the winners in the current technological transition. However, politicians, industry and the general public still discuss from time to time whether hydrogen cars would not bring “even more” advantages. And whether the fuel cell is more efficient. We clear things up.
cars  environment 
11 weeks ago
GitHub - cognitive-engineering-lab/aquascope: Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time
Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time - GitHub - cognitive-engineering-lab/aquascope: Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time
rust  visualization 
11 weeks ago
Solver2D :: Box2D
Comparison of various 2d physics solving algorithms
physics  algorithms 
11 weeks ago
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