Xinhua Zhao
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I am part of the
Mobile Computing Research Group,
which is led by Prof.
Mary Baker at Stanford University.
My research interests are in the area of mobile and wireless computing,
specifically on providing continuous (or nearly continuous) Internet
connectivity to portable computing devices (including laptops, PDAs etc.)
and thus enable as unimpeded communication capabilities as possible to
mobile users.
My focus is on architecture and protocol issues in mobile networking.
I have been working on utilizing Mobile IP as an essential building
block for supporting mobile instant communication.
I am also interested in facilitating network communications among
computing devices in the vicinity of each other even in the absence
of connectivity to the Internet.
There is more to it than the ad hoc networking we commonly talk about.
I would call it a combination of Computer-assisted Human Interaction
and Human-mediated Computer Networking.
I gave a presentation about
this side interest at our group meeting.
MosquitoNet Mobile IP
A Linux implementation of the Mobile IP protocol,
with a number of enhanced features.
Mobile People Architecture
A project aiming at explicitly treating a person instead of communication
devices as the ultimate endpoint of communication.
Mobile and Wireless Computing Index
Part of the WWW Virtual Library.
Xinhua Zhao, Claude Castelluccia, and Mary Baker.
"Flexible Network Support for Mobile Hosts."
To appear in Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 2001.
Xinhua Zhao, Claude Castelluccia, and Mary Baker.
"Flexible Network Support for Mobility."
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing
and Networking (MobiCom'98), Dallas, Texas, October 1998.
Mary Baker, Xinhua Zhao, Stuart Cheshire, and Jonathan Stone.
"Supporting Mobility in MosquitoNet."
Proceedings of the 1996 USENIX Technical Conference, January 1996.
Petros Maniatis, Mema Roussopoulos, Ed Swierk, Kevin Lai, Guido Appenzeller,
Xinhua Zhao, and Mary Baker.
"The Mobile People Architecture."
ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), July 1999.
Kevin Lai, Mema Roussopoulos, Diane Tang, Xinhua Zhao, and Mary Baker.
"Experiences with a Mobile Testbed."
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Worldwide Computing
and its Applications (WWCA'98), March 1998.
Windows/Linux dual boot
If you add a new hard disk drive and the disk on which Windows was installed
becomes the second hard disk drive, Windows won't be able to boot properly
with lilo unless you make
the following changes.
Phdisk for Sony VAIO
Do you have trouble in recovering this "Save to Disk Preparation Utility"
by Phoenix Technologies Ltd. in order to get hibernation to work again?
I have put up this utility here in the
hope that it can save others with similar needs some trouble.
It works with VAIO PCG-Z505SX.
E-mail |
IMPORTANT: You'll have to type in the address by hand to send me email.
Due to 'spam', I had to remove my real address from the link.
That link now sends mail directly to
Office Phone |
(650) 723-9427 (on campus, 3-9427) |
Fax |
(650) 725-2588 |
Mailing Address |
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
Gates Hall 4A, Room 416
Stanford, CA 94305-9040
Version: 2.6.2
Xinhua Zhao /
Last modified: January 19, 2001