With git installed, do
Make sure that your git is inside the top level rails directory. Codebasehq provides the string with instructions on how to push to their servers.
Pretty straightforward. The only trick is that you have to add public keys. You will have to add TWO public keys to Codebasehq.
Read the getting started guide here at amazon.
Make sure you have downloaded the cert- and pk- .pem files. I have them in ~/.ec2/
JAVA_HOME='/cygdrive/C/Program Files/Java/jre6'
Probably want to put these in your .bashrc with the 'export' command in front.
run this to make sure it works: ec2-describe-images
ec2-add-keypair YOUR_KEY_PAIR
ec2-run-instances ami-5394733a -k
Note that testkeypair is not a path, it's just the nameec2-describe-instances i-INSTANCE
It will tell you the URL to use to connect to your serverYou can connect directly to your instance by typing:
ssh -i ~/.ec2/id_rsa-testkeypair app@ec2-174-129-161-XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com
If you have an amazon elastic IP address, then you can just associate it in the management console with your instance and ssh into that elastic ip
ssh -i ~/.ec2/id_rsa-testkeypair app@YOUR_ELASTIC_IP
Your git repository requires a private key in order to connect and copy your source code. Capistrano therefore needs the source machine to have the keys already stored on the machine (at ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
I recommend generating a new key pair on your local machine, adding the public key to your git repo, and then copying the public and private key over to the aws server via a capistrano task
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa):
Put that key pair in
Then, add this to your deploy.rb file
namespace :repo do
desc "Copy key so you can connect to codebasehq"
task :keycopy do
run "cd ~/"
"~/.ssh/", :via => :scp)
"~/.ssh/", :via => :scp)
run "chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa"
run "chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
before "ec2onrails:setup", "repo:keycopy"
This will make sure that your keys get copied over and capistrano can copy source from your repo.
ssh -i ~/.ec2/id_rsa-testkeypair app@ec2-174-129-161-XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com
you have to give it the path to the keypair you just generated. You
also have to login as app because that is the user that capistrano
uses to run processes. ssh into the machine and run the following
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential
sudo apt-get -y install imagemagick
sudo apt-get -y install emacs22
sudo gem update --system
sudo gem install gemcutter
sudo gem tumble
You will need build-essentials to build the starling gem and emacs, and who knows what other ruby gems
I tried to automate this with cap but it hangs at sudo apt-get -y
install build-essential
set :application, "your app"
default_run_options[:pty] = true
set :repository, "git@gitbase.com:you get this from codebasehq.git"
set :scm, "git"
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
set :branch, "master"
set :git_shallow_clone, 1
ssh_options[:keys] = [File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".ec2",
Make these be your roles:
set :machine_name, "ec2-174-129-161-XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
role :app, "#{machine_name}"
role :web, "#{machine_name}"
role :db, "#{machine_name}", :primary => true
Also set the mysql password.
:mysql_root_password => "XXX"
Change the packages line to this:
:packages => ["logwatch", "librmagick-ruby"],
Make sure you list your gems you need installed
:rubygems => ["wvanbergen-http_status_exceptions",
Comment out
# :server_config_files_root => "../server_config",
adapter: mysql
database: XXX_prod
username: XXX
password: XXX
host: db_primary
cap ec2onrails:server:set_roles
This ensures that mysql and the core services on the instance are configured.
Get public keys from server
cap ec2onrails:get_public_key_from_server
deploy with capistrano
cap ec2onrails:setup
cap deploy:cold
If you were deploying to a staging server but now would like to change that staging server into your production server, you will need to change the environment to production.
First, associate the production ip address with your instance
Next, delete your old server from known_hosts
RAILS_ENV=production cap ec2onrails:server:set_rails_env
RAILS_ENV=production cap deploy:restart
You may have to change s3.yml to tell it which bucket to restore from
Restoring blows away old tables in your db
Also remember to re-generate workling:monit:make
namespace :craken do
desc "Install raketab"
task :install, :roles => :cron do
set :rails_env, "production" unless
set :env_args, (exists?(:env_args) ? env_args :
"app_name=#{application} deploy_path=#{current_path}")
run "cd #{current_path} && rake #{env_args}
RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} craken:install"
task :uninstall, :roles => :cron do
set :rails_env, "production" unless
set :env_args, (exists?(:env_args) ? env_args :
"app_name=#{application} deploy_path=#{current_path}")
run "cd #{current_path} && rake #{env_args}
RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} craken:uninstall; true"
before "deploy:symlink", "craken:uninstall"
after "deploy:symlink", "craken:install"
You can see more about the capistrano events here. The recipe was taken from here.
adduser admin
Now, add your public keypair via these instructions here: http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=86
I think you have to manually copy the keypair; who knows where it is on the system??
Now, add the admin user to the /etc/sudoers file so it is what capistrano is expecting.
# The 'admin' user can run sudo without a password