What every Mexican must know and learn from

Just talk and gossip will not make it.

The ANSWER: Education !!!
That will make it.

A country that does not learn from its historic errors. is condemned to repeat them ...
Please click here for information on the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Chris Schefler, an American, writes:

"So, just who are the 'llegal' in California, and who has a greater right to live and work here?  As he stated was his goal was on his inauguration night, President James Polk stole California (and much more) from Mexico by violent force, just a few generations ago.  Now we pass laws making it illegal for most Mexicans to live and work here, and forcibly remove them when they cross the border 'illegally' (having exhausted all legal means for entry).  Let's examine and expose a few of the racist myths behind the outrage against 'illegals' that's all the rage in California..."

Click here to go to his Home Page

Who wanted what?? How much did they want?? And when did they want it??

Our General President, after the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836, surrendered to Sam Houston, asking for mercy in order to save his life. In exchange, he recognized Texas as an independent Republic. Wow!!!, we have the best and bravest presidents! ;)


Final Humillation. This ended the war.

No son Europa y los EUA, con sus ambiciones, los enemigos de los pueblos latinos de America. No hay mas enemigos terrible de nuestro bienestar e independencia que nosotros mismos. Nuestros adversarios se llaman: Nuestra tradición, nuestra historia, nuestra herencia morbosa, nuestra educación contraria al caracter.
It is neither Europe nor the U.S., with their ambitions, the enemies of Latin American countries. There are no more enemies of our welfare and independence than ourselves. Our enemies are: our tradition, our history, our education against the development of character.
Francisco Bulnes.