

Warning: This resume has not been updated since 1998

Phoebe Ho
1535 Valley Crest Dr.
San Jose, CA 95131
(650) 219-0596


1994-1998            Stanford University             Palo Alto, CA
Conferral: September 1998 with a BS in computer science.

General Skills:

Computer Languages:
Extensive knowledge in C
Proficient in C++ and Java
Knowledge of  LISP, HTML, OpenGL
Exposure to Pascal, ML, SQL, Visual Basic
Computer Environments:
Extensive work in MacOS and Windows environments
Proficient in Unix (Emacs, Pico)
Programming experience in Think C, Metrowerks Codewarrior, gcc/gdb
Internet Knowledge
Telnet, FTP (Fetch), Netscape, Internet Explorer, Lynx, e-mail
Foreign Languages:
Knowledge of French and Chinese (Mandarin)

Work experience:

1996-1998   RITS               Stanford, CA         Computer
Oversee two main computer clusters on campus serving as a consultant to users
who are having difficulty with software or hardware. Serve as an advisor to
people who call in with various concerns involving Internet connection
difficulties, application mishaps, and hardware problems.  Member of the
selective system support team that is in charge of recognizing system or
hardware malfunctions and initiate steps to fix the problems.

1996 Nanospace, Inc.             Palo Alto, CA       Intern
Represented the company in Internet solutions for large corporations to
consulting and advising Internet cafes.

1994-1996 Walt Disney Co.   Anaheim, CA        Pageant Helper
Brightened the lives of thousands by impersonating Disney characters such as
Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.  Greeted guests, took pictures with visitors,
signed autographs, and appeared in some live broadcasts and photo shoots.

Organizational experience:

1994-present   Viennese Ball Committee Involvement

1997-present   Head Coordinator.
Supervise all the subcommittees and delegate tasks to over sixty committee
members.  Lead the Ball to an off-campus site for the first time in twenty-one
years.  Closely detail specifics to accommodate over one thousand guests in
this popular black-tie event.  Manage different orchestra and band groups
as well as oversee the decorations to reproduce a nineteenth century ball
in Vienna.

1995-1997      Publicity chairperson.
Sold tickets through lottery and sleep-out, distributed flyers and posters,
organized the logo contest, created T-shirts and wineglasses, and aided the
other chairmen in organizing a problem-free Ball. Introduced a new
technology-based publication of the Ball in the form of an electronic mailing
list and a Web page.

1994-1995      Publicity committee member in charge of distribution.

1994-1997      "Gang of 13" member
The "Gang of 13" is a set of committee chairs that are responsible for
organizing and planning all the aspects of the ballroom dance events on
campus.  Participated in leading publicity or decorations related committees.

Interests and activities:

Ballroom dancing, swimming, church activities, coordinating group events


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