The Core Requirement / Prerequisite Waving page


This page (though open to the prying eyes of the world) is mainly for the benefit of my advisor. This page shall be used to keep track of the courses that I am taking in order to satisify the requirements for a M.S.C.S degree with a theoretical Computer Science specialization.


All equivalent courses where taken at the University of Waterloo.

Stanford Course Equivalent Course/Experience Relevant Text Book
CS 108 Object Oriented System Design E&CE 455 Software Engineering and 8 months of C++ work experience Ghezzi, "Introduction to Software Eng'g"
EE 182 Computer Organization and Design E&CE 222 Digital Computers Zaky, Vrasenic "Computer Organization"
CS 107 Programming Paradigms E&CE 251 Programming Languages and Translators Sebesta, "Programming Languages"
CS 109A & CS 109B Introduction to Computer Science GenE 121 (now called E&CE 150) E&CE 250 Algorithms and Datastructures (please see the http links for these courses)
Math 120 Modern Algebra I PMATH 343 Abstract Algebra I I. Herstein "Topics in Algebra"

Core Courses

All equivalent courses where taken at the University of Waterloo.

Stanford Course Equivalent Course / Experience / Future Course Relevant Text Book
CS 137 Fundamentals of Numerical Computation E&CE 304 Numerical Methods Mathews, " Numerical Methods fo Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics"
CS 143 Compilers To be taken Aut '96
CS 221 Introduction to AI To be taken Aut '96
CS 154 Introduction to Automata and Complexity Theory To be taken Winter '97
CS 157 Logic and Automated Reasoning PMATH 330 Introduction to Mathematical Logic Rubin, "Mathematical Logic: Applications and Theory"
CS 161 Data Structures and Algorithms E&CE 250 Algorithms and Datastructures Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis"
CS 240A Operating Systems E&CE 354 Real Time Operating Systems Milenkovic, "Operating Systems: Concept and Design"
EE 282 Computer Design E&CE 427 Digital Systems Engineering E&CE 429 Computer Structures Hennesy & Patterson, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach"
Stat 116 E&CE 316 Introduction to Probablitity Theory Blake, "Introduction to Applied Probability"

Future Courses

The courses I am currently enroled in can be found on my page. Some of the courses I plan to take in the winter(1997) quarter include: CS154, CS258 and CS261. Some of the courses that I plan to take in the spring quarter(1997) include: CS35? and CS36?.

[Stanford] [CS Dept.] [Mark Pichora]
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