About John LeFlohic's Homepage
What is this site?
This site is a resource for quickly and concisely learning about various topics
related to computers, physics, existential philosophy, and psychology. It’s essentially a blog that was
created 7 years before blogging became popular.
Why is this site here?
There's a lot going through my head that is too abstract, technical,
complicated, or specific for it to be appropriate for normal conversation.
So I put it on the web. That way people who want to can come
read it when they're in the mood while I can satisfy my need to create.
What is the site's design philosophy?
In protest of flashy, slow sites with no real or unique content, I am trying
to do the opposite on all counts. You'll never see a blinking
advertisement anywhere in my site, and I'm thankful to the computer science
department here to the have a permanent site with no advertising.
I will keep foreigners in mind, many of whom have poor English and slow
internet connections through no fault of their own. Specifically, most
pages are designed for fast download and use basic English words and simple
grammatical structure.
Who am I?
I studied computer science and psychology at Stanford University and am now a
programmer there for Stanford’s online courses. Beyond that, the
content of this site speaks best to who I am.
What is "vu"?
You may have noticed I use the word "vu" in some of the things I
write. "Vu" is the long-awaited gender-neutral singular
pronoun. It means "he/she". It's conjugated like other
pronouns to arrive at, say, "vus" (his/her), "vu'd" (he
would/she would), and so on.
(April 2010 edit) Not surprisingly, “vu” never took off,
not even the more organized movement by other people to use “e” to mean
“he/she” worked.
I’ll leave my older entries where I used “vu”
intact, but probably won’t be using it in future writings.