Here I would like to suggest that you can polylogarithmically increase your cognitive capacity by developing an identity which is specialized for each of your cognitive tasks. Binding an identity will optimize your brain chemistry and the abstraction hierarchy that is active when you do the task.

Psychology has shown that people with multiple personality disorder change their brain chemistry, situational and axiomatic memory neuromatrices, and other genetically- and environmentally-influenced mental factors. So, I suggest that you could first develop a metaidentity, second develop multiple identities, and third negotiate the use of those identities with the metaidentity.

Often, a person who is an expert at a certain task will perform a miniature ritual to get vuself into the right mental state. Specifically, this mental state results from priming the neuromatrices which perform the task and "loading" the relevant chunks into vus seven or so chunk-processors. So, I am simply suggesting that we extend the depth to which we change our mental state to prepare for a task.

Normally, a single person develops the ability to perfrom a task by evolving a neuromatrix that is specialized for that task. The resulting matrix is organic (has interacting, specialized parts) since if it didn't, the size of the neuromatrix and the time required to evolve it would be Theta(n^2 lg n). Experience has shown us that human-neuromatrix performance is more like Theta(n lg n).

Anyway, I propose a way to add a second organic level to neuromatrices. Take a group of people and preperceptually connect them together using a symbolically-arbitrary virtuality. In other words, form a high-level connectionist network with the people. Then, present them with the task and allow each of the people to specialize as a reactive system, an organic component, of the metaneuromatrix which develops to solve the task.

This could be done at a level which doesn't require the people to specialize their identies, but it seems like they would react more smoothly if they had specialized identities. If they did have specialized identities, they would be subidentites of the identity which is solving the task.

John LeFlohic
May 29, 1999