DECOMPOSITION thesis definitions energy evolution entropy entropy complements evolution reverse-time evolution 4-d vectoring space-time evolutic 4-d object axial cancellation implications entopitic mechanics cyclic lateral mechanics
[entropy complements evolution] In forward time, energy flows from entropitic to evolutic objects. In reverse time, energy flows from evolutic to entropitic objects. [reverse-time evolution] So, forward-time evolutic objects are entropitic in reverse time. Generally then, what appears to us to be entropy is really reverse-time evolution.
[4-d vectoring] [space-time] A space-through-time 3-d universe is formed by taking an arbitrary vector through time-space. The 3-space orthogonal to the vector travels through time along the vector. [evolutic 4-d object] Evolution "simultaneously" proceeds along all possible vectors. In particular, it proceeds along our own vector and its reverse. [axial cancellation] While we can detect evolution along the reverse of our vector, we cannot detect it in any other vectors since vectors not perpendicular to ours cancel each other out, just as our vector cancels our reverse vector.
[implications] [entropitic mechanics] Forward-time mechanics is based on evolutic objects. Similarly, a reverse-time mechanics can be developed based on entropitic objects. This new mechanics could allow us to produce reverse-time causation from forward-time. [cyclic lateral mechanics] A line of causation might even be made from our vector into non-parallel vectors and back into our vector. Two balanced paradoxes would be required at the beginning and end of the causation.