Function Specification for Correlation and Event Map UI Enhancement in Process Connect

Project ID: Process Connect 9.0.5

Author: Jian Zhang

Change Log
Version Reviewers Changes
10/24/03 Jian Zhang  Creation

Table of Contents

1 Project Overview

2 Concepts

3 Requirements

4 Functionality

5 Screen Flow

6 Assumption

7 Component Impacts

8 Dependencies

9 Open Issues

10 References

1 Project Overview

This document addresses the impact on correlation and event map UI by proposed changes in adapter framework as specified in the following document.

  •      Design Specification for Adapter Frame Enhancements, ProcessConnect, 9.0.5
  •      Functional Specification for the Adapter Framework Enhancements
  • It is assumed that readers of this document have read and are familiar with the contents of the above documents.

    It is also assumed that readers of this document are familiar with the current correlation and event map UI or the contents of the following document.

         Design Specification for Correlation, Event Map and Policy Rule User Interface , Integration Platform

    This document will first explain some related concepts and summarize the changes in adapter framework, then analyze the UI requirement resulted from the
    changes in adapter framework, and any new functionality introduced to meet the UI requirement, finally present a complete screen flow of how to define correlation and event map by this UI enhancement.

    2 Concepts

    2.1 Correlation

    Native event correlation is an expression that defines when two native event instances are related; for example, a correlating (initiating) native event purchase order request PO and a correlated (target) native event purchase order acknowledgment POA. Native event correlation ensures that the correct native event instances are matched. (Remind:  In 9.0.5 the native, application and business events will be a single entity and differentiated by an Event Type Classifier).

    Currently in 904 simple correlation conditions having only Equals operator are supported. Only simple expressions like the following are supported:

    1. =
    2. = 'Bob'

    In 905, complex expressions supporting operators other than Equals having AND and OR conditions like the following also need to be supported:

    1. = AND = 'Bob'
    2. PO.amt  > 10000 OR PO.amt < 50000

    2.2 Event map

    The purpose of an event map is to select a native event type from a record at runtime when there are multiple possible native event types for the record. If there is one native event type for the record, then no event map condition expression is required. If there are multiple native events for a record, then an event map must be defined for each native event. It must be ensured that the event maps for a given record are mutually exclusive so that the correct native event type is chosen. If you do not want a native event to be used or the event type is only used for outbound interactions, then you can define an event map to always evaluate to false. (Remind:  In 9.0.5 the native, application and business events will be a single entity and differentiated by an Event Type Classifier).

    There are two following changes in 9.0.5 adapter framework.

    Currently in 904 simple correlation conditions having only Equals and Exists operator are supported. Only simple expressions like the following are supported:

    1. PO exist
    2. PO.revision = '2.0'

    In 905, complex expressions supporting operators other than Equals and Exist having AND and OR conditions like the following also need to be supported:

    1. PO exist AND PO.revision = '2.0'
    2. PO.action = 'create' AND PO.amt  > 10000

    Currently in 904, if a RecordType maps to more than one NativeEventTypes, then a condition expression must be specified for each of the eventmaps even if there is only one inbound event that the record type could map to. For example, if the recordtype is associated with two native events, one of which is inbound and one is outbound, the user will still need to specify the condition expression for both the eventmaps when the record type could only really map to the inbound event.  This poses a problem for the user as he needs to specify a condition expression for the eventmaps for outbound events as well. This problem needs to be addressed so that the user is asked to specify condition expression for eventmaps only if the record type could map to more than one inbound native event types.

    3 Requirements

    While the adapter framework with the changes is trying to achieve complex condition expressions for correlation and event map, and additional avoiding evetnmap in outbound direction,  the correlation and eventmap UI should be able to have the following changes

    UI must enhance the correlation and event map condtion expression screens so that the complext conditition expression are supported.

    UI should not create an event map by defaulte while creating interations. This can be removed as there is an association between record type and event typpe.

    4 Functionality


    4.1  Correlation Complex Condition

    Current correlation condition expression screen has to enhance to support complex condition. Condition expression tree enhances to be any depth. Three event handlers, insert AND, insert OR and delete will be implemented to add or remove subexpression. Condition expression screen looks like:


    4.2  Event Map Complex Condition

    Current event map condition expression screen has to enhance to support complex condition. Condition expression tree enhances to be any depth. Three event handlers, insert AND, insert OR and delete will be implemented to add or remove subexpression. Condition expression screen looks like:


    5 Screen Flow


    5.1 Create Correlation

    1 Select Event Type


    2 Create Condition Expression Tree


    3. Create Condition Expression


    4 After creation, screen goes to details pages



    5.2 Create Event Map

    1. Create Condition Expression Tree


    2.  Create condition expression


    3. After creation, screen goes to details pages


    6 Assumptions


    7 Component Impacts

  • Native Event Type Wizard UI do not create a default event map any longer.  Both event map and condition expression are created as a result of user creating action.

  • 8 Dependencies

    The changes described in this document are dependent on following functionality:

    9 Open Issues

  • If the record type maps to only one event type (outbound or inbound), then event map is not needed and should not be in the system, UI should disable the creation?
  • If the record type is associated to more than one native event used inbound, then record type must have an event map for each native event. UI will catch this rule or leave the verification up to validation rule?
  • If the record type is associated with only one inbound native event or more outbound native events, validation will pass even no event maps.
  • Partial page rendering turns on at the switch between unary and binary operator.

  • 10 References

  •  Design Specification for Adapter Frame Enhancements, ProcessConnect, 9.0.5
  •  Functional Specification for the Adapter Framework Enhancements
  •  Design Specification for Correlation, Event Map and Policy Rule User Interface , Integration Platform


    Copyright, 1999 Oracle Corporation
    Last Modified: Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002