

So... feeling bored, huh?
Hey... I'm actually almost a real person now... I have a job and everything.., and not one of those janitorial ones making the urinals sparkly white... Heck, I even have a title. I'm a "Principle Engineer", which basically means I'm a grunt/peon, but that's ok... sounds flashy, don't it?

I graduated from UC San Diego sometime around July 1996, with a degree in some computer-related field. (Computer Science & Engineering, Computer Engineering, or something like that...) My diploma now resides on my dartboard, along with pictures of some of my "close" friends. I also went to Stanford although I'm not sure that they would eagerly admit the fact. I graduated from Stanford in June 1994 with a Bachelors in Computer Systems Engineering. (And that would explain why I get to serve a home page at Stanford even though I am no longer a student.)

I grew up and live in the Bay Area, which is nice, except for all the damn traffic!! I attended Monta Vista High School in Cupertino... (pretty cheesy, huh... Anyway... High school sucked. So did junior high, for that matter. And elementary school and kindergarten, I guess... OK, not really... kindergarten was sort of cool... playing with blocks is fun... I like playing with blocks... yeah, whatever...

Other meaningless details nobody really cares about:
I've got two brothers, one older (David) and one younger (Christopher). As brothers go, they're actually pretty cool... (of course, I have to say that or they'll beat me up... ok, not really... I could take them with one hand tied behind my back, and I have, several times...A..H..:)) In his spare time, David's a neo-nazi skinhead psychotic mass murderer, but we love him anyway. (I just put that in to embarrass him because CYS lists this page as "David Dufour's" web page...) Christopher is currently a landscape architect so that he can adeptly landscape over David's mass graves so nobody will notice. I love my family...



I have no interests... Basically, I'm just not a very interesting person... (ha ha ha, I'm so punny...) I have been active in music for as long as I can remember... (yeah, since yesterday...) I play flute (and piccolo) and the piano, and have even tried composing, though without much success. In high school, I performed in the California Youth Symphony, under the direction of the late Dr. Lauren Jakey. At Stanford, I performed in the Stanford Chamber Orchestra, and the Stanford Symphony Orchestra, as well as in various musicals, including Ram's Head's production of West Side Story. I also performed solo, and in various chamber ensembles. However, I did not major in music and have no plans for pursuing a career in music, unless, of course, I can't get hired doing anything else... I still take lessons from Frances Blaisdell, though I don't practice as much as I probably should...

My favorite composer is Gustav Mahler, who is an absolute god... Nothing else needs to be said... Other great composers who fall just short of god-status are: Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Copland, Brahms, and Beethoven. (not necessarily in that or any order...)

My favorite groups are Pearl Jam, Toad the Wet Sprocket , Nirvana, Live, Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, Depressed Mode, U2, REM, School of Fish, and, yes, even the Cure... (yeah, pretty much anything on the radio...)
While we're talking about meaningless stuff like favorite groups, etc... My favorite color is blue, and my favorite cartoon strip was Calvin and Hobbes until Bill Watterson retired. Oh, and my favorite shows are Friends , er, Party of Five, and the Simpsons. Yeah, I watch way to much tv.

My favorite hobbies are:

Anyway... Enough about me... who the hell are you??? Let me know... email me at dufour@xenon.stanford.edu I need the mail... If you're really cool, I may even write back... but don't count on it... I'm terrible about writing people.


Last Modified Thursday,May 31th 2001
Jonathan Dufour (dufour@xenon.stanford.edu)