____ _ _ __ / ___|__ _ _ __ __| | |/ /___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ | | / _` | '__/ _` | ' // _ \/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__| | |__| (_| | | | (_| | . \ __/ __/ |_) | __/ | \____\__,_|_| \__,_|_|\_\___|\___| .__/ \___|_| -----------------------------------|_|-------------------------------------- README.txt version 1.00, 5/13/04 Written 2004 by Doug Anderson This program and its source code are released into the Public Domain. That means it's free. Description =========== CardKeeper is a small application for PalmOS devices that have removable memory cards. CardKeeper helps keep you from losing your memory card by periodically reminding you if the card is ever ejected. CardKeeper should help in the following two cases: 1. If you drop your device and the card pops out, hopefully you'll notice CardKeeper's reminders and go looking for the card, instead of realizing the loss hours later. 2. If you eject your card to transfer files to or from it, CardKeeper's reminders will help remind you not to leave your card behind. CardKeeper was designed for and tested on the Treo 600 Smartphone by palmOne. Users have reported success using CardKeeper on other PalmOS products. CardKeeper was inspired by my loss of a memory card when skiing. I dropped my device and it popped out. Luckily, someone found it and saw my "if found, please call" JPEG and returned the card. Yay! Requirements ============ * A PalmOS device running PalmOS 4.0 or newer with a removable memory slot. CardKeeper has been tested on the Treo 600 Smartphone. Installation / Usage ==================== First, install CardKeeper like you would any other PalmOS program. Now, run CardKeeper and select your preferences. Here's a description of the various options. I know, it's a little confusing... Enabling settings ----------------- Beep: If checked, CardKeeper will remind you by beeping with the chosen sound. I KNOW THAT MANY OF THE SOUNDS ARE THE SAME. I just did the simplest thing possible and play the system beeps. Sorry... Vibrate: (TREO 600 ONLY). If checked, CardKeeper will remind you by vibrating. NOTE: that if neither "Beep" nor "Vibrate" is checked, CardKeeper is considered disabled. and won't remind you. Customizing settings -------------------- First reminder: After a card ejection, CardKeeper will perform its first reminder after this many seconds. More reminders: After playing the first reminder, CardKeeper will perform future reminders with this interval. Stop after: To keep from draining your battery if you don't notice CardKeeper's reminders, CardKeeper will give up after this many minutes. Status ------ Disabled: If neither "Beep" nor "Vibrate" is checked, CardKeeper is considered disabled. It won't look for card ejections and won't ever remind you. Waiting for ejection: When you enable CardKeeper, it starts by waiting for you to eject a card. CardKeeper starts reminding you when a card is _ejected_. CardKeeper only cares about cards being ejected. If CardKeeper wasn't enabled (Beep or Vibrate checked) when a card was ejected, CardKeeper won't remind you about it. If you disable and reenable CardKeeper or reset the device, CardKeeper forgets about any eject that may have happened. Reminder in X seconds: If you eject your card while CardKeeper is enabled, it will start counting down the time till it can remind you (the sole purpose of its life). This message tells you how long till the next reminder. Snooze ------ The "Snooze" button is useful if you're transferring files to your card and want CardKeeper to shutup for a little while. It will delay CardKeeper for 3 minutes, at which point in time it will start reminding you again. Why 3 minutes? Why not? FAQ === Q: Why do all the beeps sound the same? A: Sorry, that was the easiest thing for me to do. Perhaps in the next version (if there ever is one), I'll fix this. Q: Why do all the beeps sound the same? A: I heard you the first time. Q: CardKeeper doesn't work on Platform X. Will you fix it? A: Possibly, but it's unlikely. I code during the day, and if I feel like doing more coding, I try to add cool features to the products I work on. CardKeeper's source code is available, though. Q: CardKeeper is nice, but can you add my favorite feature? A: See answer above. Q: Why is vibrating only supported on the Treo 600? A: Because I've got a Treo 600. You should get one too. ;) Q: Why is the snooze 3 minutes? A: Why not? Contact Info ============ If you want to contact me, you can use e-mail. If you'd like to email me, write to: e-mail: da AT byteswapped.com You can always find the latest official version at: web: http://www.byteswapped.com/palm/ Payment ======= Cardkeeper is free. You need not pay me. If CardKeeper saves you from losing your SD card, donate to your favorite charity. ...or, donate to Radio Paradise (www.radioparadise.com), since I like listening to them. If you are a software developer and wish to thank me for making CardKeeper available, I wouldn't mind a free registration code for your program. ;) Legal Junk & Distribution ========================= This program and its source code are released into the Public Domain. That means I relinquish any Copyright to it. You may freely distribute it or its source code in any way you wish. If you modify the source code, you may release the modification, but please include both your name and mine in the about box (do not claim that I wrote something that you modified). I wrote this program while employed by palmOne (though on my own time), I thank palmOne for letting me distribute it. USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK. I have made an effort to test it and to ensure that it behaves correctly, but I take no responsibility for any actions that the program takes. I request (but do not require) copies of any disk/CD-ROM/etc that contains CardKeeper. Some terms, such as Treo, PalmOS, palmOne, and PalmSource, are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Version History =============== 1.00 5/13/04 - Fully released version, with source code. Short beep sounds now vibrate at least a little. 0.91 5/11/04 - Beta version posted on TreoCentral. 0.90 3/13/04 - First full version. Major bug involving Treo 600 vibration that would prevent incoming calls from vibrating. Only released to a handful of people (I hope). 0.01 2/12/04 - Very simple version entered in programming contest at PalmSource Developer Conference.