A Hardware Architecture for Implementing Protection Rings --- M.D. Schroeder and Jerome H. Saltzer, 1972. Summary by Emre Kiciman et al. Half of the paper describes the idea of protection rings for access control in Multics. Each segment has associated with it an access control list (ACL) that specifies the users who have access to the segment. For each user, the segment's ACL specifies whether the user can read, write, and execute the contents of the segment. These access capabilities constitute a "domain." A process may be executing in different domains depending on the current program being run (processes in Multics correspond to users). Ideally the access capabilities of each domain would be completely independent, according to the principle of least privilege. Protection rings strike a balance between this ideal and the need for efficiency and simplicity. In a ring system the domains are strictly ordered by access capability. The 0th protection ring corresponds to the most access; and Nth ring corresponds to the least. Instead of flags for read/write/execute permission, each segment (logically) stores the highest ring in which the process must be executing in order to have access to the segment for that type of access. The rings allowed for each access type are called the "bracket" for that access type. For example, if a segment has user Andy and stores the highest ring numbers for Read as 4, then the Read bracket consists of rings 0-4. Domain transfers (i.e. changing the ring of execution of a process) is carefully controlled because of the possibility of gaining more access privileges. Suppose a process is in ring R. If a process transfers control to a segment whose top execute ring for that process is S < R (a "downward" call), then the transfer of control proceeds to a "gate." There is a gate list associated with each segment. The gate then has complete control over how the access capabilities of the new lower ring are used. A semi-minor detail: the execute bracket is augmented with a "gate extension" that specifies the execution rings from which the gate can be called. This way access to control transfer to a gate is restricted. Gates are analagous to the user-accessible system call interface provided by a typical unix-like OS. The procedures that make up this interface must be careful to protect against bogus arguments and carefully control use of the processor's unrestricted supervisor mode. Gates perform similar argument and access protection for downward calls, with the help of specialized hardware that validates address references. Upward calls (i.e. to higher-numbered rings, with less access) do not have to proceed through gates since the upward ring has strictly less access. Two problems arise in upward calls: arguments passed might not be accessible to the higher ring, and the return to the lower ring must proceed through a gate. These cases are handled through a trap to the supervisor instead of through the ring protection hardware. Observation: the actual description of the hardware is less interesting and insightful because it is tied to the particular organization of MULTICS. Also, it isn't clear how to design an application to make good use of rings. Is the complexity worth it? Do rings strike a good balance between efficiency, simplicity, and protection? In particular, if a particular application is really important enough to require protection domains, are the tradeoffs inherent in rings acceptable (esp. nested access permissions)?