Practical Considerations for Non-Blocking Concurrent Objects --- Brian N. Bershad, 1993 - non-blocking concurrent objects: whose operations are not contained within mutually exclusive critical sections; - concurrent object updates are guaranteed by the use of atomic operations; * advantage: they are not vulnerable to the effects of scheduling convoys, * priority inversion and deadlock; Bershad discusses Compare-And-Swap (CAS) for non-blocking (optimistic) concurrency on multiprocessors: 1. Since CAS not widely implemented in hardware, he demonstrates an implementation based on "roll-back" which unlocks and restarts atomic lock-based CAS if interrupted in crititcal section. 2. He shows that the usualy ways of implementing locks to prevent contention don't work in this context: spinlocks and queuelocks. Spinlocks keep on using TSL which incurs a penalty for the entire system to synchronize. Queuelocks have the waiters on a lock queued up waiting on different cache lines so each processor only waits on lock contention. This fails for nonblocking objects because only one process in the queue can succeed at a time: to succeed, all CAS before it must fail and all after it will fail b/c it succeeded (assumptions in this analysis?). 3. Proposes Compare-And-Compare-And-Swap, an advisory version of CAS (i.e. may fail even if value hasn't changed) which tests the equality condition while spinning for the lock and fails immediately if it's changed. Reading of the value occurs only local penalty (writes to shared memory are broadcasted). Demonstrates better throughput using this scheme.