Book References
- [DHM92]
- John Dugard, Nicholas Haysom and Gilbert Marcus. The Last Years of Apartheid: Civil Liberties in South Africa. Ford Foundation, New York, 1992.
- [Edi85]
- Revolution is What is Happening in South Africa. The New York Times, page 26, April 5, 1985
- [Erl89]
- Reese Erlich. Macs thrive in {South Africa}: gray market bypasses sanctions. MacWeek, page 89, Sep 26, 1989.
- [Erl90]
- Reese Erlich. Software Sneaks into South Africa. The CPSR Newsletter, 8(1), 1990.
- [Goo94]
- S.E. Goodman. Computing in South Africa: An end to "apartness?". Communications of the ACM, 37(2):21, 1994.
- [Hei85]
- Helmoed-R'mer Heitman. South African War Machine. Presidio Press, Novato, 1895.
- [IBM94]
- IBM returns to South Africa. MIDRANGE Systems, 7(4):20, 1994.
- [Leo80]
- Richard Leonard. Computers in South Africa: A Survey of U.S. Companies. Science and Social Control. circa 1980.
- [Mac85]
- Erin MacLellan. Limits on Computer Exports Are Difficult to Enforce. The Washington Post, 37(2):21, August 25, 1985.
- [NAR82]
- NARMIC. Automating Apartheid - U.S. Computer exports to South Africa and the Arms Embargo. Omega Press, Philadelphia, 1982.
- [NAR85]
- NARMIC. Machines That Help Make Apartheid Run. The New York Times, page 24, May 18, 1985.
- [NW77]
- Laurie Nadel and Hesh Wiener. Would you sell a computer to Hitler? Computer Decisions, February 1977.
- [Pic88]
- Yuri Pichyugin. South Africa -- Tortures. The Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS), April 26, 1988.
- [Sch86]
- Willie Schatz. The heat is on; more American businesses leaving South Africa. Datamation, 32:37, 1986.
- [Slo90]
- Gert Slob. Computerizing Apartheid: export of computer hardware to South Africa. ?, Amsterdam, May 1990.
- [UN83]
- Torture in South Africa. United Nations Chronicle,20:15, March 1993.
- [UN88]
- Sanctions against South Africa. 1988.
- [Wat93]
- Paul Watson. Victim buried alive at murder party - S. Africa police probe claims 10. The Toronto Star, page 3, Jan 25, 1993.
- [Wie78]
- Hesh Wiener. Why Police States Love the Computer. Business and Society Review, circa 1978.
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