
This page is meant to describe how to use the simple calculator/derivation system written entirely in JavaScript. The basic capabilities are symbolic derivation and expression evaluation.


Simply enter the equation to differentiate and change the variable to differentiate with respect to if you want (by default it is x). Hit derive and the answer will appear in the numeric evaluation section. You can also change the number of times to differentiate to get the second, third, etc. derivative.

Numeric evaluation

After differentiation, you may want to evaluate at specific values. Just define the values for the variables and hit evaluate. The definitions can contain references to other variables, and to indicate a value for a derivative, use something like "y'=x"

Guessing numbers

After evaluation, you may get a result like .7071067811865476. Since you are so smart, you immediately realize that this is sqrt(1/2). But then you get 22.45915771836104. Bet you didn't know this is pi^e. Of course, why you would get this as an answer is beyond me. However, just in case you do get some numbers like these, and hit guess numbers, the system will try to rewrite the numbers into a form that may be more recognizable.


Every time you hit derive or evaluate, the equations or definitions that you used for input are saved in the history. The most recently used 25 items are saved. To re-use one of them, select one, and hit the appropriate button to copy that expression to the corresponding text field. The clear history button does what it says it does.

Input Expressions

Valid operators

() ^ * / + -

Valid functions

sqrt || sin || cos || tan || sec || csc || cot || ln || asin || acos || atan

Predefined values:

e || pi


Some examples of possible things that can be done.

Other Links


It doesn't match the name of the page. It started out as being a pretty useless page. It is now kind of too useful to match the name of the page. Oh well. If you do find any real bugs on the page, please do tell me.