Great Geigerisms 2.12
Brought to you by Sue #2
Memorable Mandy Moments/Great Geigerisms
Episode 2.12
Transplanted Affections
Geiger is called in to do a transplant while Austin is fighting a
custody battle. He arrives via helicopter:
JG: I was visiting my sister. This better be good. I like my sister.
PW: Simple transplant, out by tonight.
JG: So simple, what's wrong with Austin? She's clean and simple.
PW: [Something?] personal she's rattled by. I had to take her off.
JG: Bet she loved that.
PW: Actually I haven't told her yet, but I will.
Walking down the hall to the donor's room:
BK: We're already done matching the blood.
JG: Oh, good for you.
BK: Candidate's starting to [phloembolite?] from the artificial heart.
JG: I know. [Enters the room] Where are we?
DN: Still alive.
BK: OR is ready, team's on standby. This kid can't be alive much longer.
JG: OK, let me know. [leaving] Get the harvest team on standby
too. I told Alicia I'd be home tonight.
In the hall:
JG: [?] radiology. I want to do an echocardiogram. I need to be sure.
BK: [pointing to Henry Alden] Here's your guy right here.
JG: Mr. Alden? I'm Dr. Geiger. I'll be doing your transplant
once the donor heart becomes available, which I hope will be very soon.
HA: What happened to Dr. Austin?
JG: Yeah, she'll likely be assisting, but since I have more
experience, you got me. If you'd like to go somewhere and
talk, I'd be happy to-- [Austin comes walking up, breathless.]
KA: Hey! What's this? What are you doing here?
JG: Kate.
HA: Why is he suddenly doing it?
KA: Um... excuse us. Can I see you in private please?
In Austin's office, she and Watters are arguing as Geiger looks on:
KA: I never said I needed to be relieved of my procedures, Phillip.
PW: Sometimes I decide that.
KA: [re JG] He was having meltdowns last year. He goes coo-coo,
you let him operate. But me, oh no no no. The double
standard, right?
PW: Your ex-husband is trying to take your kid away. You're more
worried about losing a procedure. Maybe you should lose
custody. [She slaps him.]
JG: That *was* out of line, Phillip.
PW: Since Dr. Geiger is here, it is my decision to let him do the
transplant. [He leaves. She sits at her desk, JG sits in a chair.]
JG: Sorry.
KA: Yeah. First I lose a donor heart, then I get hit with this
custody thing, and now you come back.
JG: Tough week. This isn't my choice. If... if you think you can
do the procedure, just say it. I'll convince Phillip.
[Tommy Wilmette enters.]
TW: Kate. I'm sorry. You want me to come back later?
KA: No no no. Jeffrey Geiger, this is my ex-husband, Tommy Wilmette.
[JG gets up and shakes his hand.]
JG: Hi. I don't like you.
TW: You get away with saying things like that because you're
Jeffrey Geiger, right?
JG: Yes.
TW: Heard a lot about you. Could you sing me a song? I promise
I won't laugh behind your back like the others.
[JG smiles at KA.]
JG: Maybe I do like you. [He leaves.]
In the locker room, Geiger and Shutt are looking in the mirror
discussing Geiger's beard:
JG: I like it.
AS: I didn't say I didn't like it. I just said it's different.
JG: Of course it's different. I got hair on my chin. You should
try it. You'd look good with a beard.
AS: No, it just grows in gray for me. Besides, people already say
I look like George Clooney. Why would I want to--?
JG: Who says that-- your mother? You look nothing like George Clooney.
AS: A lot of people-- before he got his hair cut. [Kronk enters.]
BK: Excuse me.
JG: Does he look like George Clooney?
BK: I don't know who that is. Listen, we've got a problem.
Anthony Sylvia is not dying-- at least not quickly. His
parents think we're a bunch of ghouls waiting for him to die.
AS: Well, gee. How could they think that?
BK: They're having him transferred out of the hospital. We ain't
gettin' that heart.
Geiger is talking on the phone in Austin's office:
JG: Well, get everything ready. I'm on my way. Tell Kronk, he'll
be assisting. Yeah. I want Camille for the harvest.
TW: Isn't this Kate's office?
JG: [still on the phone] I don't care if she's a floor nurse.
[Walking out of the office] She loaned it to me. Don't tell
her. Excuse me.
TW: Dr. Geiger. Dr. Geiger. A moment please. Is it true she's
obsessed with becoming Chief of Staff?
JG: If you're looking for me to say something negative that you
can utilize in your custody battle, let me happily offer this.
From what I've seen, she's not only a great doctor. But also
an exemplary role model for any child. I'm, uh, sure you've
scored big fudge stripes taking Sara for weekend pony rides,
cotton candy lunches. But... Kate's been a mother to her
every day. Maybe you should leave it like that.
TW: Of course you'd be right since you're never wrong.
JG: No, I was wrong once, very briefly, for the few seconds that
I thought I liked you.
TW: Such wit. Must be joyous to hear your self talk. I bet
you can even out gab all those other little voices you
hear in your dysfunctional head. What do all those
voices say? Is it "Go away," "We don't like you,"
"You're a pompous, egotistical, self-serving carcass of
arrogance"? If so, fear not, you're not crazy. Those
are real voices coming from every body who has ever met
you. I'd about given up on ever being able to agree with
Kate on anything, but on you, concurrence. She has got
you pegged. You think if you flap your little
self-storm, nobody will notice that? Well you don't say
much quality-wise, but quantity, you are spitting
flatulence. [?] Wouldn't it be nice if I could follow
you around on a daily basis and learn through osmosis.
I'm sure I'm could learn so much from your ooze.
Although it does seem redundant. See, I'm getting a little
bored now. Actually, listening to you, I'm finding you
less interesting as we speak. Maybe I should take out
the stop watch like everybody else and see how long it
takes from lift-off to melt-down. [Pushes Geiger away who
is flicking finger in front of his lips.]
JG: Is this the part where I go, "He's a genius, he'll want
me to surrender?" Let me tell you Mr. Wilmette, Kate
told me you were fabulous, but I'm extremely
disappointed. It's not that I have expectations. I had
none. Until you failed as a father. Keep talking Tommy,
you're bound to say something profound. By chance every man
spits out a gem now and then. Though I'm sure yours are
couched in flatulence. Why's your face getting red? You
feel somebody beating you in an argument? Somebody's
out-yapping Tommy Wilmette? I'm shocked. How could that
happen with you having two sides of your mouth to talk
out of? I'm sitting here trying to figure out how a guy
with a 30 million dollar bank account can still be alone
in a material world such as ours, where wealth is
considered some kind of measure of a person's value. You
must have some pretty negative characteristics to offset
such a bank account, huh? Man, let me see if I can
imagine some of them....Vanity, lack of conscience,
dishonesty, untrustworthy. Let me know if I reel off
something original. Hygiene, let's not forget that, but
that actually counts Missy [?] Yeah! Yap, Yap, Yap
[flicking finger in front of Tommy Wilmette's lips,
whereas Tommy pushes him away from him.]
JG: I win. I'd go two out of three, but I got surgery.
[As he leaves he sees Grad and Hancock and pats Grad's arm as
he walks by her; they are in amazement at what they just
In the OR, taking out the donor heart:
JG: That's a good ticker we got. I can't believe this woman just
had a baby. Doesn't she look great Camille?
CS: Jeffrey, did I tell you how much I missed your sense of humor?
JG: Actually no.
CS: Funny thing. [CS and DH smile.]
JG: I know you and Dennis are sharing a wink at my expense...
suction... Which doesn't bother me. However, I can bring
people closer together is fine. ...
I'm ready. Give me a towel. [re Bob Malzone, the donor's
husband] Send him in now if he really wants to do this. [BM
enters.] Once I remove the heart, she'll be gone. [BM says
his goodbyes and leaves. The team springs into action.]
Let's go...
[The heart is removed and put in a basin. JG grabs the basin
from CS.] I'll take it Camille. No offense.
[He enters Alden's OR] OK, Mr. Alden, we're tired of
your bitchin'. [He puts on new gloves.] [to nurse] Miss me?
Yes doctor.
"Sweet Home Alabama" is playing in the background:
JG: I'm not happy. This is unacceptable.
BK: Well I'm sorry to have to inform you of this Jeffrey, but we
have thrown out all your little Motown CDs. It's either this
or the soundtrack to Pippin, which I hesitate to point out in
fear that you might choose the latter.
[Wouldn't it have been a scream if he had said "soundtrack to Evita"
(or Yentl, Secret Garden, or Sunday in the Park with George)? :-)]
JG: I'm taking this one back. Turn that crap off. [music is turned off]
BK: Looks clean.
JG: I think we're done. That's a good lookin' heart, huh? OK,
moment of truth. Let's get ready to go off bypass. Clamp.
See what it does on its own. [Looks at monitor.] C'mon.
Give me a hundred more cc's.
BK: C'mon baby, pump.
JG: Give me a hundred cc's more. [Heart starts to pump.]
BK: All right!
[For a moment, JG touches the beating heart (perhaps remembering
what he has been missing these past weeks).]
OK Billy, you're on.
BK: Music. Loud! [music starts to blast]
JG: Remember to take out all the Kelly clamps before you close.
BK: That's not funny.
JG: I don't like this music, not a bit. No I don't, unacceptable.
[Isn't this the music that was playing when Infante met him in
the observation room during his insanity trial?]
This is no pinch. I'm very disappointed.
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