Computer Science 11: Introduction to PASCAL
Computer Science 21: Introduction to Computer Science I (Cancelled since Winter 1995)
Computer Science 22: Introduction to Computer Science II (Cancelled since Spring 1995)
Computer Science 23: Introduction to Computer Science III (Currently numbered CS 32)
Computer Science 24: Systems Programming (Currently numbered CS 33) Recommended Professor: Lawrance McNamee
Computer Science 51A: Logic Design of Digital Systems Recommended Professor: Algirdas Avizienis, Milos Ercegovac
Computer Science 111: Operating Systems Principles Recommended Professor: David Jefferson*
Computer Science 112: Computer System Modeling Fundamentals Recommended Professor: Richard Muntz
Computer Science 118: Computer Netwoek Fundamentals Recommended Professor: Mario Gerla
Computer Science 130: Software Engineering
Computer Science 131: Programming Languages Recommended Professor: Rajive Bagrodia*
Computer Science 132: Compiler Construction Recommended Professor: David Martin
Computer Science 133: Parallel and Distributed Programming Recommended Professor: Rajive Bagrodia
Computer Science 143: Introduction to Database Systems Recommended Professor: Carlo Zaniolo
Computer Science 151B: Computer Systems Architecture Recommended Professor: Yuval Tamir, Jason Cong
Computer Science 151C: Design of Digital Systems Recommended Professor: Milos Ercegovac
Computer Science 152A: Introductory Digital Design Laboratory
Computer Science 152B: Computer Design and Interfacing Laboratory
Computer Science 161: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Recommended Professor: Richard Korf
Computer Science 163: Introduction to Natural Language Processing Recommended Professor: Michael Dyer
Computer Science 180: Introduction to Algorithms and Complexity Recommended Professor: Andrew Kahng
Computer Science 181: Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata Recommended Professor: Sheila Greibach
Computer Science M196B: Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems Recommended Professor: Joseph DiStefano III*
EE 10: Circuit Analysis I Recommended Professor: M.J. Werter
EE 102: Systems and Signals Recommended Professor: Tom Simundich, Nhan Levan
EE 103: Applied Numerical Computing
EE 110: Circuit Analysis II Recommended Professor: M.J. Werter
EE 113: Digital Signal Processing Recommended Professor: Abeer Alwan
EE 113L: Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Recommended Professor: Abeer Alwan
Mathematics 32A: Calculus of Several Variables
Mathematics 32B(H): Calculus of Several Variables
Mathematics 33A: Matrices and Differential Equations
Mathematics 33B(H): Infinite Series
Mathematics 61: Introduction to Discrete Structures
Mathematics 115A: Linear Algebra
Statistics 154A: Statistics Recommended Professors in Mathematics Departmens: Kirby Baker, Peter Peterson, Ronald Miech, Jennifer Chayes
Economics 11: Microeconomic Theory
Economics 101: Microeconomic Theory
Economics 102: Macroeconomic Theory Recommended Professor: Gary Hansen
Economics 160: Money and Banking
Linguistics 1: Introduction to Linguistics
Linguistics 10: Structure of English Words
Microbiology 7: Developments in Biotechnology